Financial Futures and Options

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                                          Futures and Options Lecture Notes: Spring 2015


Lecture Links:

Research Publications Related to Investing and Risk Control

A Note on Market Efficiency

Proceedings of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries Paper on Globalization and Securitization Risks

Proceedings of the 1st Actuarial Conference on Financial Institution Risks

Control Theory Approach to PBGC Insurance

NY Times Article Dealing With PBGC Research

Similar Research Dealing with SPIC

Lecture Note 1: Introduction to Futures - January 2015

Reference Lecture Note 2: Investing in Mutual Funds and Stocks - January 2015

Lecture Note 3: Developing a Set of Investment Guidelines - January 2015

Introduction to Futures Pricing - Simple Cash and Carry Arbitrage

Reference Note: Addressing the Dichotomy Between Reality and Models

Reference Links Vis a Vis Krause Challenge:

Information on the Krause Website about the Funds

University of Iowa

Sample Set of Investment Guidelines for a Non-profit Organization

Arbitrage Limit Theorems and the Basics of Interest Arbitrage

Option Valuation and Binomial/BSOP Model Basics

Sample Binomial and Black Scholes Pricing Problems

Excel Spreadsheet BSOP Model Calculator

Lecture Note 4: Basic Concepts in Financial Arbitrage Investing

Lecture Note 5: Advanced Note on Arbitrage and Special Situations Part 1

Lecture Note 6: Advanced Note on Arbitrage and Special Situations Part 2

AAII Jan 2012 Buy Sell Decisions Small Cap Stocks

Sample Advisory Letter Information

Typical Listing of Recommended Dividend Stocks

Typical Listing of Recommended Core Holding Stocks

Typical Listing of Recommended Focus Stocks

AAII Quick Analysis of a Valueline Stock

First Cut Stock Analysis CAT 4 2 2015

Divergent Views on JNJ What Does the Analysis Mean?

Futures Markets Text -- Siegel and Siegel

Chapter 1 Problems 1-3

Chapter 1 Problem 4 updated Spreadsheet

Chapter 1 Problem 6 updated Spreadsheet

Chapter 1 Problems 8 and 10

US Treasury Bond Ticket

Accrued Interest Calculation on a US Treasury Bond- Carrying Cost

Notes and Problem T-Bill Pricing

Approved List of Focus Stocks for Portfolio Project Spring 2015

Chapter 2 Problems 1 and 2

Chapter 2 Problems 5,6,7 and 10

Platinum and Palladium Listing Prob. 10

Chapter 2 Problems 11 and 13

Chapter 3 Problems 1 to 3

Lecture Note on Pricing Stock Index Futures

Links to Articles About mReits

Understanding mReit Yields

Understanding mReit Risks

3 mReit Funds to Consider 2 to Avoid

How to Analyze an mReit

Lecture Materials on the Options Market and Options Trading

Basic Concepts in Using Stock Options

Practical Characteristics of Options

Options Trading Strategies for Portfolio Management

Intoduction to Option Greeks

A Note on the Put-Call Equation

Notes on How to Think Like Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett

Advanced Option Trading Strategies Lecture 1

Notes on Option Trading Strategies Using a Combination of Basic Trades

Interactive Spreadsheet for Calculating Historical Volatility with Different Time Frames

Sample Stock and Options Trading Journal

Calculating Historical Price Volatility

Excel Spreadsheet with Yahoo link to Calculate Historical Volatility

Lecture Note on Basic Interest Rate Hedging Strategies

Option Valuation Under Binomial and BSOP Modeling

BSOP and Binomial Option Pricing Problems

Basic BSOP Spreadsheet for Calculating Theoretical Value of Calls, Puts and Option Greeks

Lecture Notes on EFTs and Options

CBOE Options on ETFs

Conservative Option Uses with ETFs

ETF Option Trading Basics

Gold ETFs and How Options Might be Used to Mitigate Macroeconomic Risk

An Option Straddle with An ETF

Deep ITM or ATM Option Strategies with ETFs