October 25, 2024


chris martin photoChristopher R. Martin is a professor of Digital Journalism in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa. He is author of No Longer Newsworthy: How the Mainstream Media Abandoned the Working Class (Cornell University Press, 2019), winner of the 2020 C.L.R. James Award from the Working Class Studies Association, and a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2019. He is also author of an award-winning book on how labor unions are covered in the news media, Framed! Labor and the Corporate Media (Cornell University Press, 2004). Martin is a contributing scholar to the Center for Journalism & Liberty and a regular contributor to the Working-Class Perspectives blog.

Martin’s research and writing has been published in Journalism Studies, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Communication Research, Labor Research Journal, Perspectives on Politics, Popular Music and Society, Journal of Communication, In These Times, Editor & PublisherHuff Post, Jacobin, and Nieman Reports. With Richard Campbell and Bettina Fabos, he is co-author of Media and Culture: Mass Communication in a Digital Age (Bedford/St. Martin’s), now in its 13th edition, and Media Essentials: A Brief Introduction (Bedford/St. Martin’s), now in its 5th edition. Martin previously taught at Miami University (Ohio), and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.  He is a recipient of the State of Iowa’s Board of Regents Award for Faculty Excellence (2004) and the College of Humanities and Fine Arts Faculty Excellence Award (2010). Martin is president of United Faculty, an AAUP-AFT affiliate and the faculty union at UNI since 1976. He is also a board member of Iowa Public Radio.