UNI-Departement of Psychology Social Psychology & Law Research Group
Members Welcome to the Social Psychology and Law Research Group website!

My research group is concerned with situated social cognition, in other words studying social cognitive processes with respect to the particular situations within which they operate. Our work bridges the areas of social psychology, cognitive psychology and legal psychology.  Our current work is focused on criminality schemas and stereotypes.  We use the term criminality to refer to the extent to which a person’s appearance triggers stereotypes/schemas about criminals. 

Aspects of criminality that we are currently exploring are the content of people's schemas about criminals, how criminality effects lineup choices in both mock witness and eyewitness contexts, the role of photo artifact in criminality, and the basic question of what makes someone look like a criminal.

We are interested in issues of theory and application, and one of our goals concerns how to take the results of laboratory investigations and apply them to relevant contexts.

Honors Presentations 2005

Lab Meeting at APLS, La Jolla, CA

APLS La Jolla Photos

APS New Orleans Photos



What is Criminality?
Lab Presentations
Why Join A Lab?
Lab Documents


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