400:001 Introduction to Psychology
Spring 2011
Section 01: 9:00 M,W,F SAB 002
Section 03: 10:00 M,W,F SAB 002
Professor | Adam Butler |
Office | Baker 435 |
Hours | M,T,R 1-1:45; or by appointment |
Phone | 319.273.7293 |
Fax | 319.273.6188 |
Web | http://www.uni.edu/butlera |
Textbook Options
Stangor, C. (2011). Introducing psychology. Flat World Knowedge.ISBN 978-1-936126-48-4
Twenty 4 x 6" Index Cards
This course is a survey of the main topics comprising the field of psychology. The primary objective is for you to gain an understanding of the concepts, theories, and methods used by psychologists working in a variety of areas. You will demonstrate that you have met that objective by completing several examinations and by actively communicating your knowledge in class and on eLearning.Performance Assessment
Quizzes. There will be six quizzes on eLearning over the chapter readings. The quizzes must be submitted on the due date prior to 9am. Quizzes cannot be made up or retaken. Each quiz is worth 10 points. (60 points)
Exams: There will be four examinations of your knowledge of general psychology. The exams will consist of multiple choice questions and must be completed in 50 minutes. A review sheet explaining the content and format of each exam is available on the course webpage. The final exam is not cumulative. I may refuse to give make-up tests or may give make-up tests consisting entirely of essay questions. Students whose primary language is not English or who need assistance should consult with me one week before every testing date.Each exam is worth 50 points. (200 points)
Cards: Frequently in class, you will be asked to write responses to questions on a 4 x 6 index card. Periodically, and without prior notice, those cards will be collected as evidence of your participation in class. It is principally important that you put forth a sincere effort to perform the activity and engage in the learning process; it is less important that you get the "right" answer, if indeed there is one. This in-class dimension of your performance is worth up to 20 points. Check out the FAQ for more information. (20 points)
eLearning Discussion. We will discuss class material on Blackboard, UNI's eLearning system. Students are required to make a minimum of 10 discussion postings throughout the semester.
Out of Class Experiences: You need to earn 4 out-of-class credits to avoid an “Incomplete” grade for the course. Generally, these credits are earned through research participation, though other options are available. You may also review an article out of the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science. In your own words, simply summarize the article in a couple of pages (2 points). I'm also open to suggestions from you and may make other relevant opportunities (e.g., speakers) available throughout the semester. Check out the FAQ for more information.
Extra Credit: Up to 10 extra-credit points may be available by volunteering for research studies in psychology or performing other relevant outside work (see Out of Class Experiences directly above). Check out the FAQ for more information.
Final grades will be determined by calculating the percentage of earned points and assigning a letter grade using the "10% cut-off rule" (i.e., 90% for A, 80% for B, etc.). Pluses and minuses will be given for scores in the upper and lower 2.5% of each grade level (i.e., 87.5 for B+; 82.5 for B; 80 for B-). Scores will be posted on the course webpage as they are available.Policies
Academic Ethics. Students must observe the Academics Ethics Policies detailed in the UNI Programs and Courses Guide. Students suspected of cheating or plagiarism will receive a score of zero on the submitted work. Flagrant violators may receive an F for the course.
Accommodations for Special Needs. Students with a disability should contact the UNI Office of Disability Services. Accommodations for tests should be made with the Professor one week in advance of each testing date. Students whose primary language is not English or who need assistance should consult with me one week in advance of each testing date.
Week |
Reading |
Topic |
Notes |
1.10 | 1 sect 1 | Defining Psychology | |
1.17 | 2 | Research Methods | no class 1.17; quiz1 Ch.2 1.19 |
1.24 |
3 sect 1-3,5 5 sect 2 |
The Brain | |
1.31 | Review, Exam 1, and Overview | ||
2.7 | 7; 11 sect 3 | Genetics and Learning | quiz2 Ch.7 2.7 |
2.14 | 4 sect 1,2,5,6 | Perception | |
2.21 | 8 | Memory | quiz3 Ch.8 2.21 |
2.28 | Review, Exam 2, and Overview | ||
3.7 | 6 | Development | quiz4 Ch.6 3.7 |
3.14 | Spring Break | ||
3.21 | 10 sect 1,3,4 | Emotion; Sex | |
3.28 | 11 sect 1,3,4; 14 sect 2,3 | Personality; Social Influence | quiz5 Ch.11 & 14 3.28 |
4.4 | Review, Exam 3, and Overview | ||
4.11 | 8 sect 3; 9 | Thinking, Intelligence, Language | |
4.18 |
12 sect 1-4; 13 sect 1,2,4 |
Psychopathology and treatment | quiz6 Ch. 12 & 13 4.18 |
4.25 | 10 sect 2; 10 sect 4 | Health; Industrial-Organizational | |
5.2 |
Review, Exam 4 Section 01: Wed 10am Section 03: Mon 10am |