Frequently Asked Questions
QUICK JUMP: Outside Experience/Extra Credit Absence Misc.
Can I attend class at a time offered for a different section?
I really wish you wouldn't. For one thing, seating space is limited.
For another, if I ever have you turn anything in, it will be easier for
me if you are attending the section for which you registered. However,
it's better for you to attend class--at any time--than not attend it.
On exam dates, you must attend the section for which you registered.
How can I tell what the reading assignments are?'
If you look at the schedule portion of the syllabus, there is a column titled "Reading". The chapters to be read are indicated by the letter C and the sections are indicated by the letter S. For example, if it says C3, then you should read all of chapter 3. If it says, C13 S1,2,4, then you should read sections 1, 2, and 4 of chapter 13. You should complete the reading prior to the date for which it is assigned.
Why do you have us take so many tests and quizzes?
The science on this is clear: Testing (i.e., practicing recall of material) results in more learning than other methods of teaching.
Can I cheat on the quizzes?
No. You are
welcome to have your book open during the quiz. I recommend you read
the chapter thoroughly before taking the quiz, highlighting key
passages. Then re-read the highlighted portions of the chapter. Have
your book open while you take the quiz. If you follow this plan, you
should do very well on the quizzes. You are not permitted to copy the
quiz answers of another person or to collaborate with anyone during the
quiz. These actions will constitute a violation of the university's academic ethics policy.
How does the whole research participation thing work?
You must earn 2 outside experience credits to pass the course. Perhaps the
easiest way to earn them is to participate as a subject in psychological
experiments conducted by UNI faculty and students. To sign up for these studies,
go to the
study participant manager (PSPM). Once you have signed up, you must attend
the study, withdraw from the study, or inform the researcher at least 24 hours
prior to the study that you will not attend.
When I try to access the PSPM website, it doesn't load.
The message indicates that the site does not have a security certificate. Just click through that you accept the risks. The site is secure.
What is my login and password for the psychology study participant manager (PSPM)?
Your login name is your UNI ID number. Your initial password is the first initial of your first and last name and the first 4 digits of your student ID. For example, John Doe with student ID# 123456 would have the password jd1234. You should receive this information in an email towards the beginning of the semester. You should change your password once you have logged in. Examples are provided when you try to login as a student.
I cannot login to the psychology study participant manager. What should I do?
First, make sure you are accepting the certificate which is a security requirement for the website to run properly. If you still cannot login, send an email stating the problem including your first, middle, and last name, student ID number, and UNI email address to the email address listed on the main page of the site.
Do I turn anything in to my instructor as proof of my research participation?
No. All records are kept by our computer system. Once the system is shut down for the semester, I download the records. However, you should retain a copy of the informed consent form for every experiment in which you participate as proof of your participation.
What if I earn more than four PSPM credits?
Any credits you earn beyond four will be transferred to extra-credit.
How many extra-credit points are PSPM (research) credits worth?
There is a one-to-one correspondence. So, one PSPM credit is worth one extra-credit point.
How would I review a journal article for extra-credit or outside experience credit?
Glance through the table of contents of recent issues of the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science. Select an article that interests you and write a brief summary (2 pages) in your own words. Turn in your typed summary, clearly indicating at the top the reference for the article. They are worth 2 points.
When should I turn in article reviews for extra-credit or outside experience credit?
They must be turned in before finals week.
I am not receiving any class emails. What should I do?
Send an email message to stating the problem. I will add you to the email listserv.
Can I take the final exam at a different time?
No. Due to space and scheduling constraints, everyone must take the final at the scheduled time.
I know I am going to miss class. What should I do?I don't need to know whether you will be in class or not, unless you anticipate an extended absence. It is your responsibility to keep up with course material and to get notes from classmates for any days you are absent.
I am involved in university sponsored activities (athletics, music, etc.) that require me to miss class. What should I do?
You should provide me a copy of the official list from your coach or director listing the dates you will miss class. You will not be penalized in any way for missing class on those dates. It is your responsibility to keep up with course material and to get notes from classmates for any days you are absent.
You can calculate your grade at any time by adding up the points you have earned and dividing by the total number of points it would have been possible for you to earn. That tells you the percentage of total points (if you multiply by 100) and cut-offs for different grades are listed in the syllabus. I do not calculate your grade until after all points have been earned in the class.
How many discussion posts have I made?
I do not tally your discussion posts until the end of the semester. It is up to you to track how many posts you have made. If you stay reasonably active on the discussion board, you will easily make 10 posts and then you won't have to worry about it.
Are you a dog person or a cat person?