Affix this to the inside front cover of your library notebook.  Examine it occasionally and check off those things you are doing.


____Is a copy of your group's final search plan affixed to notebook?

____Have you read background material on your topic?


____Searched SSCI?

____Searched PsycInfo?

____Searched Annual Review?

____Searched appropriate journals?

____Searched other appropriate indexes and sources?


____Is the first draft of an annotation a set of notes (versus narrative prose) on the article? 

____Notes included on each of the 20 articles chosen for bib?

____Rough drafts of all annotations included in notebook?

____Are revisions in evidence, and made on these rough drafts?

____Are the revisions rethinking/rewriting or mere polishing?

____Is the annotation(s) receiving instructor/TA feedback inserted into the notebook?



_____Have you periodically checked "Criteria for Grading Bibliography" to make sure you are proceeding correctly?



    _____Literature Review


_____Are references to 20 articles in alphabetical order?

_____Are the two annotations interspersed among these 20?

_____Are pages numbered, starting with the cover sheet?

_____Is everything double spaced?  (Never use single, triple, or quadruple spacing in any part of the manuscript).

_____(separate step:) Have you gone through the writing word by word, and sentence by sentence?  Read the writing aloud in a normal voice.  Check for structure, punctuation, word choice, formal language.

_____Is the bibliography proofread, with neat corrections inked in (did you use the word processor's spelling checker)?

_____Have you made a final check of the bibliography assignment sheet just before handing in the proposal?
