•The Cerebellum

•Anatomy of the Cerebellum

•      2 hemispheres with vermis in between

•      Very folded cerebellar cortex

•      Underlying white matter & deep nuclei

•      Deep nuclei are the output pathway

•      Massive cerebellar peduncles (axon bundles to and from cerebellum) connecting to brainstem



Primitive Cerebellum in Blue

•Evolution of Cerebellum

•      Oldest part is the flocculonodular lobe - it gets input from the vestibular system (Vestibulocerebellar path)

•      Next: the region around the vermis gets proprioceptive & cutaneous input via spinal cord (spinocerebellar tr.)

•      Most recent region – the hemispheres- get input from cortex via the pons (corticopontocerebellar path)

•      All input goes to cerebellar cortex; all output is from the deep cerebellar nuclei

•      Loop-like feedback to each of those sources of input



  Mode of  Functioning

•      Totally unconscious

•      Computer-like feedback loops

•      Moment-to-moment adjustments

•      Ipsilateral in its control (right side of cerebellum related to movements of right side of body)

•Cerebellum Is Needed For:

•      Fluid coordination of movements

•      Synergy/cooperation between muscles

•      Precise timing & targeting of  movements

•      Appropriate force & muscle tone

•      Cerebellum is storing these details during motor learning

•      Automatic adjustments to changing conditions & to maintain balance

•Symptoms of Cerebellar Damage

•      Asynergia - loss of fluid coordination & cooperation between muscles; movements jerky & disjointed

•      Dysmetria - poor targeting of movement; over- or under-reach

•      Can’t do finger to nose test

•      Intention tremor while targeting movements (see clip)

•      Dysarthria/Dysphonia - slurred, uncoordinated speech & speech volume

•      Lateral lesion- affects ipsilateral limbs

Symptoms of Cerebellar Damage

•      Disturbed balance (can’t balance on 1 foot; walk heel-to-toe)

•      Gait ataxia – wide-based, staggering walk, may shuffle,veer to side, may fall

•      Poor muscle tone (hypotonia)

•      Adiadochokinesia/Dysdiadochokinesia - can’t rapidly alternate movements http://www.neuroexam.com/36.html

•      Nystagmus-jerky, oscillating eye movements (see dbnystag. clip)

•      Midline lesion most likely to cause gait, posture, balance problems - Romberg test http://www.neuroexam.com/37.html


•Test for Dysdiadochokinesia


•      A cerebellar tumor usually originating in the vermis, which then presses down on the brainstem

•      Accounts for ~1 in 20 brain tumors (1 in 5 in kids). 2/3 cases occur before age of 15 (median age = 5-6)

•      Symptoms: Falling, nausea & vomiting, double vision, headache, eventually trouble moving. If its located on midline child will tend to fall forward or backward


•Other Causes of Cerebellar Damage

•      Strokes or tumors affecting cerebellum

•      Demyelination due to MS

•      Genetically based degenerative disorders (e.g. Friedrich’s ataxia caused by degeneration of spinocerebellar tracts)

•      Alcoholic cerebellar atrophy. Cerebellum can also be damaged by some anticonvulsants or chemotherapy.