Intelligence and Psychological Testing ("Assessment")

What number is the AVERAGE score on intelligence tests?

What does PSYCHOMETRICS mean?

What are well-known examples of psychological tests:

What is the goal of testing? What do we hope to be able to do?

What was GALTON interested in?

What did BINET develop his intelligence test for?

Did Binet believe his test was a measure of innate intelligence?

What does MENTAL AGE mean?

What groups were psychological tests used on?

Who adapted Binet's test for use in the USA?

What did they call the American version of the test?

How is the INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT calculated?

What improvement did WECHSLER bring to intelligence testing?

What is the most widely used intelligence test today?

What are the 3 characteristics of a good, useful test:



What are some problems with the ways psychometric tests are used:

What is the nature-nurture issue?

What is GARDNER'S view of intelligence?

What does STERNBERG think intelligence tests should focus on?

What does he propose tests should actually predict?