Diane Sullivan

Suggested Letter to send home for Christmas suggestions

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Dear mom and dad, little sister, aunt Min, the dog, and anyone else who'll listen,


Christmas is coming soon and you're always asking me what I'd like, so I've put together this little list of simple things that could make my life so much more satisfying.  And you won't have to worry about whether you got me things that I can really use.  Isn't that a wonderful idea?  Here goes.

___ Hand and foot warmers

___ Silk long johns

___ hacky sack
___ candy
___ water pistol and water balloons
___ phone card
___ Nerf sling shot or anything nerf
___ Mad or Cracked magazine
___ Any type of small ball
___ Mini super soaker on a keychain
___ Certs, gum, binaca
___ fart spray and silly stuff like that,snappers, stink bombs, silly string
___ deck of cards
___ roll of quarters
___ santa hat


Life will be so much better now.  Thanks.  I love you all,


Your loving son, daughter, friend,
