Diane Sullivan


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2003 Strong and Mighty

What choices they’ve made, these children of ours;

They seem to be sure of their own perfect powers.

Since we cleaned up their hurts, they’ve grown up so fast,

And we certainly know that they’re adults at last.


They’ll be warriors and saviors in far distant lands

And we know that they’ll do well when they take a stand.

But we knew them as children and always stand by

With hope in our hearts and tears in our eyes


As they go forth in battle through trouble and strife

We know they’re in danger, and risking the life

That we nurtured so carefully to get to this place

Where they take on their duties and laugh in death’s face.


Please, Lord, bring them back, keep them safe in your care.

And make all their battles worth fighting out there.

Give them something to deal with that’s righteous and true

And let their next choices bring honor to You.


Give them strength when they need it, but gentleness, too;

Clothe them in honor, keep them steady and true;

Help them to stand tall, but bend down to touch;

The hands of the innocents who all lose so much.


Guide them on right paths for their country and home;

And remind them real often that the love they have known

Will be always behind them, keeping them near

When the road back to safety is not always clear.


Remember the class of two thousand and three,

May they always remain as the Strong and Mighty,

And remember as well all the people they’ve known

Who have given them wings by the love they have shown.


-Original by Diane Sullivan