last update January 21, 2020

COMM 4023/5023-01 Rhetorical Research Methods

Spring 2020 TuTh 12:30-1:45 Lang 346

Instructor information:

Catherine H. Palczewski, Ph.D.

Lang 341: Office hours:

  • Tuesday 4:45-5:15
  • Wednesday: 1:00-3:00
  • Thursday: 4:45-5:15
no office hours March 4, 5; April 15, 16

If these times do not work, feel free to call (319.273.2714) or email to make an appointment.

Acknowledgments: This syllabus would not be possible without the assistance of faculty at UNI and other universities who have shared their ideas, assignments, and syllabi, and I thank them for their help, particularly: Ryan McGeough, John Fritch, Leslie Harris, Dan Brouwer, Linda Horwitz, Julie Husband, Damien Pfister, Zoe Russell, and Victoria Gallagher. I also acknowledge the land on which we gather is the occupied territory of the Ioway, Sauk and Meskwaki, Wahpeton, and Sioux People.

Description: Examination of principles and procedures of rhetorical criticism. Students complete research projects.

According to Aristotle, "Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion" (Book 1, Part 2). Since Aristotle's time, the understanding of rhetoric has expanded. The study of rhetoric is no longer only the study of intentional acts of strategic persuasion, but now includes the study of how humans' symbolic action creates, maintains, and alters social reality. Rhetoric is about more than the study of great speeches. It examines a wide range of symbolic forms, including photographs, memes, bodies, images, television shows, monuments, and even single words. Thus, rhetoric is never just "empty words" or "hollow." Rhetorical action is action. It matters to how people understand themselves and each other; in fact, it is through rhetorical naming that some people distinguish themselves from others, and it is through rhetoric that we can bridge these distinctions and create identification with each other.

The goal of this class is to instill in you an intellectual curiosity about rhetorical action. In the words of Dr. David Zarefsky, at its most basic, rhetorical criticism asks: "What is going on here? Why does it matter?" Why did FDR replace the word history with infamy in his speech about Pearl Harbor? Why does it matter that woman suffrage activists wore their prison uniforms when speaking about the 19th Amendment? Why was Ida B. Wells's evidence about lunching so compelling? Why did the "Don't tase me bro" video receive so much attention, but the UCLA tasing video did not?

In "The Gorgias," Socrates, Polus, and Gorgias debate whether rhetoric is an art, craft, or merely a knack. While calling rhetoric a craft was meant to denigrate it, there is something to be learned from that characterization. Whether an art or craft, rhetoric is learned by doing and watching others do. You do not become a good cook just by eating others' food, but you can develop your palate by eating a range of cuisines (and deaden it by only snacking on fast food). To be a good cook, you need to learn the basics (which things thicken a sauce, what makes a cake rise, what tastes tend to go together) and then you need to get in a kitchen and start cooking. Trial and error are involved. Experimentation and invention are needed. In the end, both cooking and rhetoric can provide sustenance, one physical and the other intellectual.

In order to determine how rhetoric works, analysis is required of the elements of the rhetorical act and the rhetorical situation in which the act occurs. So, to get cooking, we'll spend time analyzing a series of rhetorical actions. First, as a class, we will attempt to analyze the rhetorical action, researching and exploring the elements of the act and the situation in which it occurred. We will try and figure out the ingredients. Then, we will read a scholarly article about the rhetorical act; we'll see a true chef at work.

Revisions will appear in hot pink.


  • Understand how rhetoric constructs, maintains, and challenges social reality,

  • Understand and analyze the interactions between texts and contexts,

  • Identify a range of methods for the study of rhetorical texts, with emphasis on primarily verbal texts,

  • Understand that rhetorical method is a heuristic vocabulary that enables more critical and self-reflexive analysis of a text,

  • Be self-reflexive about your own rhetorical skills by applying the concepts learned in class to your own practices, and

  • Understand and use APA or MLA rules for writing formal academic papers.



Readings are linked to the syllabus or located on eLearning.

A copy of the MLA or APA style guide, if you do not already own one.

Graduate students also are required to read:

Nothstine, William L., Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media (NBC)

General Information: See my website, at This site includes my late policy, the university accommodation policy, the university plagiarism policy, as well as paper format descriptions -- basically Cate's rules for survival. You should really take the time to read this.

Interaction Expectations: Lively debate, discussion, and disagreement on issues are encouraged in class. For this to be productive, respect for other people, their opinions, and their experiences is essential. The most productive way to disagree with another is to say, “I disagree with you because…” and explain and justify your position. Although everyone is entitled to their opinion, the reality is that some opinions are better supported and more reasonable than other opinions; thus, be able to explain why you hold the opinion you do and why you think your opinion is better supported than another’s. Engage each other in a reasoned exchange of ideas. In other words, present an argument (a claim supported by data, with reasons/warrants as to why that data is relevant to the claim).

Throughout the semester we will encounter a variety of challenging issues relating to gender, sexuality, race, class, etc. The content of this class has the potential to stir up strong reactions. You will encounter ideas and theories that challenge you. Students are asked to follow some guidelines to help maintain a constructive learning environment. Participants in this class must be open to looking at an issue from a variety of perspectives. Further, it is possible that films, readings, images, music, etc. used in this class may be considered “offensive” by some. A student’s decision to stay enrolled in the class is an agreement to approach all course content with a critical academic lens. Above all, participants must treat each other with respect. The most fundamental way to respect class participants is to complete daily readings, listen to others, and ground your own comments in principles of critical thinking. Class discussions should take place within the context of academic inquiry and in the spirit of understanding diverse perspectives and experiences. Do not engage in private conversations, interrupt another student who has the floor, keep cell phones on, or show general signs of lack of engagement with the course, professor, or other students. Non-course related materials such as newspapers and items from other courses must be stowed away when class begins.

I encourage you to put away your electronic devices. Research studies have convincingly demonstrated that students retain and learn better when taking notes with pen and paper, not laptops or tablets. Laptops tend to create distractions, induce shallow processing, and result in weaker performance when answering conceptual questions (like those on tests or during discussion). Although you might type more words with the laptop, you lose the chance to synthesize ideas and focus on key concepts.

Requirements: Your primary assignment is to complete a research project. To do this, assignments center around a progressive paper -- meaning, the first paper becomes the introduction for the 2nd and the 2nd becomes the first parts of the final paper. You will need to learn appropriate citation format (APA or MLA), and will be expected to revise and edit your work as the paper progresses.

Even though I have built an extensive peer review process into the class, you still are expected to conscientiously proofread your own work. Repeated errors on citations and references will result in an automatic minimum 25% deduction.

Page limits on all assignments will be rigorously enforced. You should spend time finding ways to write more concisely and clearly. If I find your paper long-winded, and you go over the page limit, I will quit reading. (If however, you are brilliant and keep me captivated, I may not notice). Given the expectations for each of the assignments, you probably will need to use the number of pages allowed. If, however, you are exceptionally concise, then I may not notice if you do not use all the pages you could have.

A working bibliography should be turned in with every assignment. It will not count toward your page limit. On the top of the page, indicate the style (APA or MLA) that you think you are using. You should include citations in the bibliography you have not yet used, but plan to.

Detailed descriptions of all assignments appear on this syllabus. You are free to ask questions in class about the assignments, or contact me outside of class by email or phone. But, please be aware, I will NOT answer any questions about an assignment in the 48 hours before it is due. I recognize that students procrastinate, so, consider this an inducement to begin work early. This means if you have a question, you need to be prepared to ask it in the class session before the paper is due. I will not answer questions after that time.

Good Essay link: All papers should put into practice the skills and techniques learned in basic writing classes. Here is a link to a general checklist to consult when preparing an essay.

TurnItIn requirement: For all written assignments, students are required to use TurnItIn in order to check they are not plagiarizing. Thus, for an assignment to be considered "turned in", students must have submitted an electronic version to TurnItIn before the assignment's due date and time, and also turn in a paper copy to me at the assigned due date and time. I have activated the TurnItIn website in such a way that you are allowed to submit drafts of your paper and receive originality reports. These reports should be used to assist you in making sure you are attributing authorship in an ethical way. The only originality report I will see is the final report on the version of the paper you turn in to me. Students can access the TurnItIn website for each assignment via the class's eLearning site. The TurnItIn link for each assignment is located in the folder labeled turnitin. Please understand: using TurnItIn is only the first step in making sure you are abiding by citation guidelines and providing fair attribution. TurnItIn is only one way to check the originality of your work, and just because your work passes the TurnItIn check does not guarantee you have not plagiarized. You are responsible for using style manuals to make sure your citation format is correct and consistent. Given this process, there will be ZERO TOLERANCE for any citation or paraphrase errors that result in you plagiarizing (presenting others' words as your own). Even a minor infraction will result in a zero on the assignment and a permanent letter placed in your file. A major infraction will result in an F for the class.

Assignment Due date Point worth
1. Paper part 1 February 4 5
2. Paper part 2 March 24 5
3. Paper part 3 Rough draft due Apr 21. Final paper due May 7, 1:00pm 25
4. Analysis foundations Jan 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 20, 27; Mar 5, 12, 26; Apr 2, 9, 16, 23 30 total
6: Peer editing returned on Feb 11, March 31, Apr 28 10 total
7. Presentation Thursday, May 7, 1:00-2:50pm 5
8. Discussion every class 20

The total worth of the assignments is 100 points. The individual point value of each assignment is noted in parenthesis ( ) immediately following the assignment title. Simply doing the base requirements of each assignment will earn you a "C" -- this means you have done acceptable work. To earn a "B" you must go beyond the assignment expectations or fulfill them in an above average way. To earn an "A" you must go far beyond the assignment expectations and fulfill the base expectations in an exceptional manner.

Paper Part 1) Artifact/Text Selection: (5) [3 pages]. Write a justification for studying your artifact. Keep in mind, this paper will become the introduction for the final essay. Ultimately, this paper makes an argument as to why your artifact is worthy of study. The paper should include:

___. an introduction that situates the topic within a larger context (this will require historical research and appropriate citations),

___. background on when, where and to whom the artifact was presented (this will require historical research and appropriate citations),

___. a description of the rhetor/s if one can be identified (this will require historical research and appropriate citations),

___. a description of the artifact (you should provide a 1-2 paragraph summary of the artifact that identifies its main thesis, outlines its structure, and highlights its substantive and stylistic elements),

___. a description of reactions to the artifact which may include an assessment of the artifact's effects (this will require historical research and appropriate citations),

___. an explanation on why the artifact is rhetorically interesting (this can be a combination of your assessment of the artifact, as well as commentary from contemporaneous and scholarly reactions), and

___. a preview paragraph that outlines your research questions (this paragraph will transform into your thesis paragraph).

these represent a checklist for content. It is NOT an outline for the paper.

Bring enough clean copies of your text to class so that all class members and I can each have our own copy. And, remember to bring 3 copies of your paper (1 to turn in to me, and 2 to give to peer editors. Due: February 4

speech sources:

Scholarly communication literature can be found at:

Communication and Mass Media Complete database, Rod Library

Do not forget to search books as well.

Paper Part 2) Descriptive Analysis of the Artifact: (5) [10 pages]. Conduct a detailed descriptive analysis of the artifact using the methods outlined in FCRM chapter 6. This paper expands upon the short description of the artifact provided in paper 1. Attach an outline of answers to the questions outlined on this link to your paper. Remember, your answers to these questions form the background work required to write the paper. The outline offers a way to organize your data. The outline of answers should NOT be the outline of the paper. This paper should provide a detailed description of the artifact's distinctive rhetorical elements, and how the situation enabled or constrained the artifact's message. This essay should make sense of the artifact in context. Basically, this paper answers the question: What is going on here? Due: March 24.

Paper Part 3) Final paper -- Artifact Evaluation: (25) [15-18 pages]. Expanding on your insights from paper two, provide a detailed rhetorical analysis of your artifact. To expand your analysis, you will need to consult other rhetorical studies of artifacts like yours. The final paper should include additional research and may include additional arguments. This paper should make an argument about how to read the artifact. What is rhetorically significant about the artifact? Basically, this paper answers the question: "Why does it matter?" Due: Rough Draft due April 21; Final paper due May 7, during the final exam period.

YOU ALSO MUST SEND YOUR PAPERS AS AN EMAIL ATTACHMENT TO CATE AT Your papers will not be considered "turned in" until you send them as an email attachment and until you also turn in all the peer edits done of your paper.

4) Analysis Foundations: (30 points total, 3 points each, top ten grades count) [1 page]. The class will be structured around analyzing specific rhetorical acts. On Thursdays, we will conduct our own analysis of the artifact. To prepare for this analysis, everyone is required to provide a 1-page analysis of one element of the rhetorical situation (rhetor, audience, or subject) and an analysis of one element of the artifact (tone, persona, thesis/purpose, evidence, structure, audience, or strategy). Half your analyses should be of the situation and half of the text.

When you focus on the rhetorical situation, identify the problems and/or resources arising from one element of the rhetorical situation. To do this, you will need to conduct research and cite at least one scholarly source about audience perceptions, the social context, perceptions of the rhetor, generic expectations attached to the occasion or artifact, complexities relating to the subject, etc.

When you focus on an element of the artifact, present a claim about that element and cite evidence from the artifact to support your interpretation; identify other choices that could have been made regarding that element and explain what that choice does (not just what it means).

We will use these short papers as the foundation for discussion and to aid in our analysis of the artifact. Due: most Thursdays

6) Peer editing: (10) Remember to sign your name to any paper you edit. Authors, please remember to turn in the edited version when you turn in your paper. Authors, your papers will not be considered turned in until you have turned in all the edits.

Bring two (3) copies to class: one to turn in to me, and two to share with a peer editor. For each paper, your peer editor will change so that you may get as much diverse advice as possible.

Editing guidelines: In order to receive the minimum passing credit for editing, you are expected to provide the following each time you edit:

1. Substantive edits: You are expected to provide a minimum of three (3) substantive suggestions. In order to make a good substantive suggestion, it usually requires at least a paragraph of writing. Given the length of these edits, you may want to type them. These suggestions can include:

  • Additional arguments to be made. You can point to additional evidence that supports their argument, or that modifies their argument in some way.
  • Additional citation on the history of the topic. You can provide the citation for a relevant essay or book, and explain the contribution it makes.
  • Additional variables or concepts that develop the thesis/research questions. You can provide a quotation and page number from the class texts, and explain what is revealed by using the concepts from the texts.
  • Additional scholarly citations. You can provide citations for articles from scholarly journals and books. You should summarize the concept from the scholar, and then explain it.
  • Major organizational changes. You can suggest a major reordering of the paper. This is more than moving the order of two paragraphs. Instead, it would constitute an alternative way to develop the argument.
  • Major differences in interpretation. You may disagree with some interpretive move the author makes. If so, make a case for an alternative interpretation, providing evidence.

2. Stylistic edits: You are expected to make a minimum of ten (10) style edits. They can include:

  • bibliographic citation corrections
  • internal citation corrections
  • typographical error corrections
  • grammar corrections
  • spelling corrections
  • sentence rewording
Due February 11, March 3, April 28

7) Presentation: (5). During the final exam period (May 7), we will have a formal presentation of all the papers. These presentations will be modeled after conference presentations of papers. Students will have approximately 8 minutes to present their papers. Depending on class size, the duration of the presentation may be lengthened. The presentation should provide sufficient background on the text and outline the core argument made in the paper. The student should also provide evidence to support the main argument/s advanced in the paper.

The presentation should outline the core argument made in your paper. You should also provide evidence (quotations from the readings or text, for example) to support the main argument.

More helpful hints:

A) Do NOT simply read your paper for your presentation. The presentation should be formal and professional, but not scripted. I suggest you speak from a detailed outline (remember to include quotations from the readings in the outline to illustrate the points you want to make). Please bring two copies of the outline: one to speak from and one for me. DO practice the presentation to make sure your outline fits within the time limits. Time limits will be enforced, strictly.

B) Presume the audience is not familiar with your paper, but is educated about rhetoric. Your presentation does NOT need to include detailed definitions of common rhetorical terms (e.g., rhetorical situation), but you might want to provide quick reminders of what extremely precise technical terms mean (e.g., identification). Do provide sufficient theoretical explanation of more complicated concepts so that the audience can follow your analysis.

C) Do not try to present all the arguments in your paper. You will not be able to cover everything in just a few minutes. Instead, give a brief overview of all your arguments, and then pick one or two on which to focus the presentation.

D) Think about answering the "so what?" question and think about what you want your audience to take away from the presentation. What really cool thing did you figure out as part of this class?

Good presentation link: All presentations should put into practice the skills and techniques learned in Oral Communication and/or Public Speaking classes. Here is a link to a general checklist to consult when preparing a speech.

8) Discussion: (20) Being a good participant does not mean that you always have the answer; it can also mean that you know when to ask the right questions and when to recognize that the answers have already been offered by the class but need to be synthesized. Discussion is a central component of this class insofar as each person's analysis of the text can be enhanced by others' insights. For a detailed description of the criteria used in the assessment of discussion, see my discussion link.

Given that there are no tests and quizzes, I use discussion as a way to measure whether students are keeping up with the assigned reading, and have been reading each others' texts. Given this is a communication class, you should be able to communicate your understanding of the readings. You should spend time preparing for discussion in class, reviewing speeches and taking notes from the readings. You should come to class prepared to ask questions about the parts of the readings you did not understand completely. You should be able to identify textual elements in the assigned artifacts and in the texts analyzed by class members. We will use class discussion to develop our analysis at a more advanced level. I will not review the readings step by step in class, but instead will supplement them with more advanced applications and formulations.

To receive a passing discussion grade, you should consistently participate, demonstrating competence in each of the five discussion elements: argument, questioning, synthesis, readings and hypothesizing. To receive a "B," you should participate in every class, and excel in at least 3 of the areas. To receive an "A," you should participate in every class and excel in all of the areas.

Syllabus: This syllabus is subject to change, although that rarely happens. If changes happen, they will be in hot pink.

Week readings and/or watchings and/or listenings assignments and discussion prompts
1: January 14, 16: Introduction to class

14: Chapter 6, parts 1 and 2, Foundations of Communication Research Methods textbook on eLearning. For those who took COMM 2020, this should be a review. For those who have not taken it, the chapters will get you up to speed.

Zach Wahls speech on eLearning

"Zach Wahls Speaks about Family."YouTube, uploaded by Iowa House Democrats, 1 Feb. 2011, video

16: Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 link photo on eLearning







16: Identify the thesis/purpose, structure, evidence, persona, tone, and strategy in Lincoln's speech. Who did Lincoln target as an audience?

2: January 21, 23:

21: Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. "Inaugurating the Presidency." Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 2, Spring 1985, pp. 394-411. on eLearning

Zarefsky, David. "Philosophy and Rhetoric in Lincoln's First Inaugural Address." Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 45, no. 2, 2012, pp. 165-188. on eLearning

23: Reagan's "Challenger" speech

text or



21: What rhetorical expectations attach to presidential inaugural addresses?

What rhetorical challenges face the incoming president?

23: How did President Lincoln respond to the rhetorical situation?

Is it possible for a speech's organizational structure to slow time?

23: analysis foundation for Challenger due

3: January 28, 30:

28: Stuckey, Chapter 3 "Writing the Challenger Address" link and Stuckey, Chapter 4 "The Memory of Challenger" link

30: Department of the Air Force. "Peacekeeper." Memo. 5 Dec. 1982. Reprinted in Washington Monthly, Feb. 1983, p. 13. on eLearning ***Focus your analysis on the memo***

read also for general background:

Reagan, Ronald. "Statement on Deployment of the MX Missile." Reagan Library, 22 Nov. 1982. link

Reagan, Ronald. "Address to the Nation on Strategic Arms Reduction and Nuclear Deterrence." Reagan Library, 22 Nov. 1982. link

Reagan, Ronald. "Radio Address to the Nation on the MX Missile." The American Presidency Project, 9 Mar. 1985. link

28: What are the generic elements of a eulogy?

How can a rhetorical action navigate the need to speak to multiple audiences?




30: analysis foundation for MX/Peacekeeper memo due. Focus your analysis on the memo, not the speeches.

4: February 4, 6:

4: Kauffman, Charles. "Names and Weapons." Communication Monographs, vol. 56, Sep. 1989, pp. 273-285. on eLearning


6: Pepe the Frog: do a web search and find as many versions of Pepe that you can

4: Why is naming powerful?

4: Paper 1 due; Remember to bring three copies (one to turn in and two for peer editing). ***Remember to bring enough copies of your text for the entire class.


6: analysis foundation of Pepe meme due.


5: February 11, 13:

11: Woods, Heather Suzanne, & Hahner, Leslia A. Pepe the Frog and iconic assemblages. In Make America meme again (pp. 65-102). New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2019.


13: Vietnam Veterans Memorial virtual wall NPS site ppt on eLearning

11: What is an iconic assemblage?

How did Pepe's meaning change as the image circulated?

What role does circulation play in the meaning of rhetoric?

11: return peer editing

13: analysis foundation for VVM due

6: February 18, 20

18: Blair, Carole, Marsha S. Jeppeson and Enrico Pucci, Jr. "Public Memorializing in Postmodernity: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial as Prototype." Quarterly Journal of Speech 77.3 (August 1991): 263-288. on eLearning OR

Foss, Sonja K. "Ambiguity as Persuasion: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial." Communication Quarterly, vol. 34, no 3, Summer 1986, pp. 326-340. on eLearning

20: AIDS memorial quilt official site and images on eLearning. Also, do a web search and find one image to share with the class.

review Erica's Princess Dianna eulogy

18: What lives are grievable?

How do monuments and memorials function to sustain collective memory?

How does the listing of specific names function rhetorically?

How does the material of a memorial function rhetorically?

20: analysis foundation for Aids Memorial Quilt due

7: February 25, 27

25: Brouwer, Daniel C. "From San Francisco to Atlanta and Back Again: Ideologies of Mobility in the AIDS Quilt's Search for a Homeland." Rhetoric & Public Affairs, vol 10, no. 4, 2007, pp. 701-722. on eLearning OR

Blair, Carole, and Neil Michel. "The AIDS Memorial Quilt and the Contemporary Culture of Public Commemoration." Rhetoric & Public Affairs, vol. 10, no. 4, 2007, pp. 595-626. on eLearning OR

Mohr, Richard D. "Text(ile): Reading the NAMES Project AIDS Quilt." Gay Ideas. Beacon Press, 1992, pp. 105-128. on eLearning

Review Britnie's Last Lecture 

27: Rudoren, Jodi. "Proudly Bearing Elders' Scars, Their Skin Says 'Never Forget'." New York Times, 30 Sep. 2012. link slideshow

"Numbered." Watch trailer.

review Jayden's Faulkner speech

25: Paper 2 due. Remember to bring three copies (one to turn in and two for peer editing).

25: What is form?

What lives are grievable?

How does the material of a memorial function rhetorically?

How does the listing a specific names function rhetorically?


27: analysis foundation for progenic Holocaust tattoos due



8: March 3, 5 (Dr. Brand guest teaches)

3: Brouwer, Daniel C., and Linda Diane Horwitz. "The Cultural Politics of Progenic Auschwitz Tattoos: 157622, A-15510, 4559, . . . ." Quarterly Journal of Speech, vol. 101, no. 3, 2015, pp. 534-558. on eLearning

5: King, Martin Luther. "Fill Up the Jails." February 16, 1960. White Rock Baptist Church, Durham, NC.

Watch the digital humanities' reenactment (pick any perspective). Link

review Emily and Hurie's MLK speeches 

3: How do bodies function rhetorically?

How can you make an absence rhetorically present without erasing the absence?

3: return peer editing

5: analysis foundation for "Fill Up the Jails" due



9: March 10, 12

10: Gallagher, Victoria J., Jeff Swift, and Kenneth Zagacki. "From 'Dead Wrong" to Civil Rights History: The Durham 'Royal Seven,' Martin Luther King's 1960 'Fill Up the Jails' Speech, and the Rhetoric of Visibility." Like a Fire: The Rhetoric of the Civil Rights Sit ­Ins, edited by Sean Patrick O’Rourke and Lesli K. Pace, U of South Carolina P, in press. on eLearning

review Shelby's Supreme Court oral argument 

12: Counts, Will. "The Scream Image." 4 Sep. 1957. Black and white photograph. Indiana University Archives Photographs Collection, Bloomington. Link

10: What is an iconic photo?

How does an iconic photo function rhetorically?

What role does emotion play in public discourse?


12: analysis foundation for "The Scream" due

10: March 17, 19 spring break  
11: March 24, 26

24: Allen, Danielle. Chapter 2. Talking to Strangers: Anxieties of Citizenship Since Brown v. Board of Education. U of Chicago P, 2004, pp. 9-24. on eLearning

review Kaylee's Landrieu speech and JFK's inaugural

26: Sergey Brin, "Why Google Glass?" TED, February 27, 2013. link

review Chance's Tedtalk on poker 

24: Paper 2 due (remember to bring 3 copies, one for Cate and two to peer edit)

24: What does it mean to think of identification as a form of "wholeness" rather than "oneness"?

In class, watch Asger Leth video, link

26: analysis foundation for google glass Ted Talk due

12: March 31, April 2

31: Pfister, Damien. "Toward an Ethos of Xenophilia: Stranger Sociability after Technologies of Control." on eLearning

review Charlie's Hitler speech and Alex's Kennedy speech

2: Frederick Douglass "What to the Slave is the 4th of July?" July 4, 1852. on eLearning and watch video or video

31: What is stranger sociability?

What role does rhetorical action play in publicity?


2: analysis foundation for Douglass speech due

13: April 7, 9

7: Lucaites, John. "The Irony of 'Equality' in Black Abolitionist Discourse: The Case of Frederick Douglass's 'What, to the Slave, is the Fourth of July?'"Rhetoric and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century America, edited by Thomas W. Benson, Michigan State UP, 1997, pp. 47-70. on eLearning

9: Filo, John Paul. "Kent State Shootings." 4 May 1970. Black and white photograph. Time 100 Photos. link

"Tragedy at Kent." Life, May 1970. link

reviewAyne's Obama speech 

7: What is irony?

How does it function rhetorically?

How can a rhetor respond to the rhetorical problem of being voiceless?



9: analysis foundation for Kent State photo due



14: April 14, 16 (Dr. Fabos guest teaches)

14: Hariman, Robert, John Louis and Lucaites. "Dissent and Emotional Management in a Liberal-Democratic Society: The Kent State Iconic Photograph." RSQ: Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 3, Summer 2001, pp. 4-31. on eLearning

16: "I'm an Indian Too." You Tube, uploaded by 1491s, 21 Sep. 2012, Link

14: What is a public? What are the targets of political struggle? How can you make those targets matter? How can a rhetor displace established caricatures?




16: analysis foundation for "I'm an Indian Too" due


15: April 21, 23

21: Stuckey, Mary. "Arguing Sideways: The 1491s' I'm an Indian Too. In Disturbing Argument, ed. Catherine H. Palczewski. Taylor & Francis, 2015. on eLearning

23: "Pilot." Friends, season 1, episode 1, NBC, 22 Sep. 1994. Hulu, www......

"The One Where Eddie Won't Go." Friends, season 2, episode 19, NBC, 28 Mar. 1996.

"The One with the Jam." Friends, season 3, episode 3, NBC, 3 Oct. 1996. Hulu, www......

review Kai's Joker and Carrie's Cabaret 

21: Rough draft of final paper due. Remember to bring two copies for peer editing.

18: What is perspective by incongruity?

What are some other examples?

How can one respond to "despicable discourse"?


23: analysis foundation for Friends episodes due



16: April 28, 30

28: Rockler, Naomi R. "'Be Your Own Windkeeper': Friends, Feminism, and Rhetorical Strategies of Depoliticization." Women's Studies in Communication, vol. 29, no. 2, Fall 2006, pp. 244-264. on eLearning

review Alyssa's Oprah speech

30: tba

28: What is hegemony?

What role does popular culture play in its maintenance?

28: return peer editing


17: May 7, Thursday, 1:00-2:50pm   Final paper due. Presentation of final paper.