code: ____________


Project Title: To vote or not to vote: Iowa youth voters reasons

Name of Investigator(s): Catherine Palczewski and __________________________________

Invitation to Participate: You are invited to participate in a research project conducted through the University of Northern Iowa. The University requires that you give your signed agreement to participate in this project. The following information is provided to help you made an informed decision whether or not to participate.

Nature and Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons Iowa youth voters have for voting or not voting.

Explanation of Procedures: To participate in this study, you will need to complete an interview that lasts approximately 15 minutes. The interview will be audio-taped so that it can be transcribed at a later date. After all interviews have been completed, as a class we will examine the reasons why people choose to vote or not. We hope the results of the study will eventually be published. Your name will never be used when referencing your interview and it will not appear in print. Audio-tapes will be kept by the primary researcher for five years after the publication of the study results.

Discomfort and Risks: Given that we are interested in hearing what you think, we hope you experience no discomfort. Risks to participation are minimal and no discomfort is anticipated.

Benefits: No payment or rewards will be provided for participating..

Confidentiality: Information obtained during this study which could identify you will be kept strictly confidential. The content of the interview may be published in an academic journal or presented at a scholarly conference, but your name will never appear.

In order to give consent for study participation, you should agree to the following:

Right to Refuse or Withdraw: I understand that my participation is completely voluntary. I have been advised that I am free to withdraw from participation at any time or to choose not to participate at all, and that by doing so I will not be penalized or lose benefits to which I am otherwise entitled.

Questions: I understand that the investigator(s) will answer any questions I have about my participation. I also understand that if I desire information in the future regarding my participation or the study generally, I can contact Catherine Palczewski at 319-273-2714 at the Department of Communication Studies, University of Northern Iowa 319-273-2217. I can also contact the office of the Human Participants Coordinator, University of Northern Iowa, at 319-273-2748, for answers to questions about rights of research participants and the participant review process".


I am fully aware of the nature and extent of my participation in this project as stated above and the possible risks arising from it. I hereby agree to participate in this project. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this consent statement. I am 18 years of age or older.

_________________________________ ____________________

(Signature of participant) (Date)


(Printed name of participant)

_________________________________ ____________________

(Signature of investigator) (Date)

_________________________________ ____________________

(Signature of instructor/advisor) (Date)