Greetings all.

As you all finish writing blocks for everyone in the class, here is checklist. This will not cover every block you will want to write, but it should get you started on getting things organized.

When writing blocks, remember to write in an argument that uses evidence already read to help with the argument.

AT = answers to, so this block is used to answer the argument.

ext = extension block

When writing 1n blocks vs. the stock issues, make sure you also write extension blocks for as many of the individual 1N arguments as you can

AFF: all

1AC with intro, timed to fit within 8 minutes

1AC preflowed

ext on sig for each advantage area

ext on solvency for each area

AT topicality

AT a DA that argues increasing relations with Europe is bad


AT oil DA


Farm Bill

AT subsidy cuts hurt the economy

a block that says only Big farmers are helped

AT: ethanol DA

AT: Water DA


NEG (for AT various sig and solvency scenarios, you should have a separate block for each one)

AT: A Turkey Greece Aff, including:

AT various significance scenarios (Cyrpus, T/G conflict, Nagorno/Karabach, Turkey's strategic importance, the Caucasus, etc.),

AT solvency (eco asst fails, conflict preventation assistance fails, generally relations will never be improved),

an EU CP

AT: Farm Bill aff, including:

AT significance scenarios (WTO not good, etc.),

AT Solvency for various scenarios (famine, poverty, etc.)

Bees DA

Economy collapse DA

AT trade wars

WTO bad frontline and extensions -- note, this position is essential for the GMO and IPR cases, so there should be well developed frontline and extensions. We may want to go ahead and put this in DA form: A. uniqueness - the WTO is on the brink of collapse, B. link- the Aff shores up the WTO, C. WTO collapse is good

AT: Iraq aff, including:

AT sig scenarios (Islamic backlash, death, US precipitate withdrawl, US-EU relations)

AT solvency for various scenarios

General solvency: NATO and EU will not solveconflict inevitable, sountries are unwilling to send int troops (ie Turkey, South Korea, Bangledesh), UN and Red Cross/Crescent are withdrawing

General AT sig: US created mess, should take care of it

AT: Inherency: barriers have been removed with new UN resolution

AT: TNW: Kelsey (15 pages)

AT solvency -- weave in nuclearism

DA Europe prolif

AT sig scenarios (accidents, Russia freakout, etc.)

AT: NATO: Kelsey (15 pages)

AT: sig scenarios

AT: solvency (no ESDP without NATO, everyone goes imperialist)

German rearm DA

AT: GMOs: Kelsey (15 pages)



AT: IPR: Kelsey (15 pages)



AT solvency

AT Politics (Kelsey)

Generic K answers (Kelsey)