
The candidates: if you want more, you can find them in the general links.

Al Gore -- webpage

George W. Bush -- webpage

John McCain -- webpage

Bill Bradley -- webpage

Pat Buchanan -- webpage

General information, issue, and multi-candidate sites:

National Public Radio: in depth coverage from non-traditional angles

Digitalpersusion: Visual persuasion analysis

Geocities: General election coverage an all purpose website covering local to national candidates and issues

The 2000 Presidential Campaign: LSU's political science department's web site with LOADs of links.

Politics1: a complete list of and links to all candidates -- VERY comprehensive

Project Vote Smart: directory of 2000 candidates with issue survey results

C-SPAN -- Road to the White House: video from primary source of political television coverage

Washington Post --White House 2000: elite media coverage of election

Issues 2000: tracks views held by candidates, includes position statements

Project on Campaign Conduct -- Election 2000: scorecard on campaign gaffes and negative tactics state and national election information

BBC news: Vote USA 2000: British coverage of US election

Rock the Vote: a website for young political folks

CNN/Time all politics: the website for political junkies. For just election 2000 stuff, see Election 2000

Best of the Web: Politics: links to a variety of other websites


General readings:

Albert, Stewart Edward & Albert, Judith Clavir. 1984. The Sixties Papers. New York: Praeger Publishers.

Appadurai, Arjun. 1993. "Disjucture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 12: 269-296.

Aronowitz, Stanley. 1993. "Is a Democracy Possible? The Decline of the Public in the American Debate." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 4 75-92.

Aronson, Elliot & Pratkanis, Anthony. 1992. Age of Propaganda. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Auer, J. Jeffery. 1992. "Acting like a President; or What has Ronald Done to Political Speaking? Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 4 93-120.

Auerbach, Erich. 1959. Scenes From the Drama of European Literature. New York: Meridian Books, Inc.

Barber, James David. 1980. The Pulse of Politics. New York:W.W.Norton & Company.

Bass, Jeff D. 1992. "The Paranoid Style in Foreign Policy: Ronald Reagan Control of the Situation in Nicaragua." Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 8 183-202.

Bennett, W. Lance. 1992. The Governing Crisis. New York:St. Martin's Press.

Berlant, Lauren. 1993. "National Brands/National Body: Imitation of Life." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 8: 173-208.

Blankenship, Jane & Muir, Janette Kenner. 1992. "The Transformation of Actor to Scene: Some Strategic Grounds of the Reagan Legacy. Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 6 135-162.

Blumenthal, Sidney. 1988. Our Long National Dream. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.

Boller,Jr., Paul. 1984. Presidential Campaigns. New York:Oxford University Press.

Bonepath, Ellen, ed. Women, Power & Policy. New York: Pergamon, 1982.

Boorstin, Daniel J., 1987. The Image. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Brown, Michael S. 1984 "Setting Occupational Health Standards: The Vinyl Chloride Case." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 125-142 Chapter 6.

Bundy, McGeorge., Galbraith, J.K., Gayler, Noel Admiral., Kennan, George., Polanyi, John.,. 1984. The Nuclear Crisis Reader. Ed. Gwyn Prins. New York: Random House, Inc.

Burnier, DeLysa & Descutner, David. 1992. " The City as Marketplace: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Urban Enterprise Zone Policy." Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 11 251-265.

Campbell, Karlyn & Jamieson, Kathleen. 1990. Deeds Done In Words. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs & Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. 1990. Deeds Done in Words. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Capp, Glenn R. 1967. The Great Society. California: Dickenson Publishing Company.

Carson, Clayborne & Garrow, David J. 1991. The Eyes on the Prize Civil Rights Reader. New York: Blackside, Inc.

Carter, Robin. 1992. "President Reagan at the London Guildhall: A British Intrerpretaion." Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 3 72-92.

Champange, Richard & Rieselbach, Leroy N. 1995. "The Evolving Congressional Black Caucus: The Reagan-Bush Years." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 7: 130-161.

Cixous, Helene & Clement, Catherine. 1975. The Newly Born Women. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Clemente, Frank & Watkins, Frank. 1989. Keep Hope Alive. Massuchusetts: South End Press.

Combs, James & Nimmo, Dan. 1993. The New Propaganda. New York:Longman.

Combs, Michael W. 1995. "The Supreme Court, African Americans, and Public Policy: Changes and Transformations." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 8: 162-202.

Comstock, George. 1980. Television in America. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

Darcy, R, Welch, Susan, & Clark, Janet. 1987. Women, Elections, & Representation. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press.

Darcy, R, Welch, Susan, & Clark, Janet. 1987. Women, Elections, & Representation. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press.

Davis, Flora. Moving the Mountain: The Women's Movement in America since 1960. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.

Davis, Richard. 1992. The Press and American Politics. New York:Longman.

Davis, Richard. 1994. Politics and the Media. New Jersey:A Paramount Communications Company.

Dee, Catherine. 1992. The Women's Voting Guide. California: Earthworks Press, Inc.

Diamond, Edwin & Bates, Stephan. 1984. The Spot. London:The MIT Press.

DiFazio, William. 1993. "Chatter in the AGe of Electronic Reproduction: Talk Television and the 'Public Mind.'" The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 5: 93-120.

Dolan, Frederick M. & Dumm, Thomas L. Rhetorical Republic. Massuchusetts: The University of Massuchusetts Press.

Edelman, Murray. 1964. The Symbolic Uses of Politics. Urbana:University of Illinois Press.

Exoo, Calvin. 1994. The Politics of the Mass Media. Minnesota:West Publishing Company.

Feminism and Politics Biliogrpahy

Ferraro, Geraldine. 1985. Ferraro: My Story. Toronto:Bantam Books.

Frank, Barney. 1992. Speaking Frankly: What's Wrong with the Democrats and How to Fix It. New York:Times Books.

Fraser, Nancy. 1993. "Rethinking the Public Sphere." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 1: 1-32.

Fraser, Nancy. 1993. "Rethinking the Public Sphere." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 1: 1-32.

Gans, Herbert. 1974. Popular Culture and High Culture. New York: Basic Books, Inc.

Germond, Jack & Witcover, Jules. 1989. Whose Broad Stripes and Bright Stars? New York:Warner Books, Inc.

Goodnight, Thomas G. 1992. "Rhetoric, Legitimation, and the End of the Cold War." Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 2 43-71.

Graber, Doris. 1984. Media Power in Politics. Washington:Congressional Quarterly Inc.

Grimes, Ann. 1990. Running Mates: The Making of a First Lady. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.

Habermas, Jurgen. 1975. Legitimation Crisis. Boston: Beacon Press.

Hadden, Susan G. 1984. "Des and the Assessment of Risk." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 111-124 Chapter 5.

Hampton, Henry & Fayer, Steve & Flynn, Sarah. 1990. Voices of Freedom. New York: Bantam Books.

Hart, Roderick. 1977. The Political Pulpit. Indiana:The Purdue University Press.

Hart, Roderick. 1987. The Sound of Leadership. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.

Hawkesworth, M.E. Beyond Oppression: Feminist Theory and Political Strategy. New York: Continuum, 1990.

Henderson, Lenneal J. Jr. 1995. "Budgets, Taxes, and Politics: Options for African American Politics." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 10: 225-250.

Herbst, Susan. 1994. Politics at the Margin. New York: Cambridge Universiy Press.

Hilgartner, Stephen. 1984. "The Binary Weapons Controversy." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 143-158 Chapter 7.

Hinckley, Barbara. 1990. The Symbolic Presidency. New York:Routledge.

Horwitz, Robert Britt. 1989. The Irony of Regulatory Reform. New York:Oxford University Press.

Howitt, Dennis. 1982. Mass Media and Social Problems. Oxford:Pergamon Press.

Hyde, Michael J. 1982. Communication Philosophy and the Techinologal Age. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press.

Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States. 1789-1989. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office.

Jamesson, Fredric. 1993. "On Negt and Kluge." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 3: 42-74.

Jamieson, Kathleen & Birdshell, David. 1988. Presidential Debates: The Challenge of Creating an Informed Electorate. New York:Oxford University Press.

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. Beyond the Double Bind -- very recent.

Jamieson, Kathleen. 1988. Eloquence in an Electronic Age. New York:Oxford University Press.

Jamieson, Kathleen. 1992. Packaging the Presidency. New York:Oxford University Press.

Jasinski, James. 1992. "Antithesis and Oxymoron: Ronald Reagan's Figurative Rhetorical Structure." Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 5 121-134.

Kauffman, Linda S., ed. American Feminist Thought at Century's End. Cambridge: Blackwell, 1993.

Keenan, Thomas. 1993. "Windows: of vulnerablity." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 6: 121-141.

Krimsky, Sheldon. 1984. "Regulating Recombinant DNA Research." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 251-280 Chapter 13.

Lusane, Clarence. 1994. African Americans at the Crossroads. Boston:South End Press.

Mansbridge, Jane J. Why We Lost the ERA. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1986.

Markle, Gerald E. & Peterson, James C. 1984. "The Laetrile Controversy." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 175-196 Chapter 9.

Matusow, Allen J. 1984. The Unraveling of America. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.

Maynard-Moody, Steven. 1984. "The Fetal Research Dispute." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 213-232 Chapter 11.

McCormick, Richard P., 1982. The Presidnetial Game. New York: Oxford Printing Press, Inc.

Milch, Jerome. 1984. "The Toronto Airport Controversy." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc. 27-49 Chapter 1.

Nelkin, Dorothy. 1984. "Creation Versus Evolution: California to Arkansas." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 233-249 Chapter 12.

Nelkin, Dorothy. 1984. "Nuclear Power and its Crisis." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc. 51-71 Chapter 2.

Nelkin, Dorothy. 1984. "Science, Technology, and Political Conflict: Analyzing the Issues." Controvery: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc. 9-26.

Nimmo, Dan &Combs, James. 1990. Mediated Political Realities. New York:Longman.

Palczewski, Catherine Helen. 1992. "Civil Religion and Public Argument: Reagan as Public Priest of the Antiabortion Movement.

Parmet, Herbert S. 1983. The Presidency of John F. Kennedy. New York: Penguin Books.

Patterson, Thomas. 1993. Out of Order. New York:Vintage Books.

Pearce, W. Barnett & Johnson Deborah K. & Branham, Robert J. 1992. "A Rhetorical A,bush at Reykjavik: A Case Study of the Transformation fo Disclosure." Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 7 163-182.

Perry, Huey L. & Ambeau, Tracey L. & McBride, Fredrick. 1995. "Blacks and the National Executive Branch." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 6: 105-129.

Perry, Huey L. & Parent, Wayne. 1995. "Black Political Attitudes and Behavior in the 1990s." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 3: 41-49.

Perry, Huey L. & Parent, Wayne. 1995. "Black Politics in the United States." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 1: 3-10.

Perry, Huey L. & Parent, Wayne. 1995. "The State of Black Politics in the United States and Implications for the Future." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 11: 251-258.

Perry, Huey L. 1995. "A Theoretical Analysis of National Black Politcs in the United States." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 2: 11-40.

Pinderhughes, Dianne M. 1995. "Black Interest Groups and the 1982 Extension of the Voting Rights Act." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 9: 203-224.

Polan, Dana. 1993. "The Public's Fear; or, Media as Monster in Habermas, Negt, and Kluge." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 2: 33-41.

Public Engagement. 1993. New York: The American Assembly Columbia University.

Public Papers of Governor Mario M. Cuomo. 1984. Albany

Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter 12 266-284

Reppy, Judith. 1984. "The Automobile Air Bag." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelken. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 159-174. Chapter 8.

Robbins, Bruce. 1993. "The Public As Phanton." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Introduction: vii

Romney, Ronna & Harrison, Beppie. 1987. Momentum: Women In American Politics Now. New York:Crown Publishers, Inc.

Romney, Ronna & Harrison, Beppie. 1987. Momentum: Women In American Politics Now. New York:Crown Publishers, Inc.

Ross, Andrew. 1993. "The Fine Arts of Regulation." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 11: 257-268.

Rowbotham, Sheila. Women in Movement: Feminism and Social Action. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Ryan, Barbara. Feminism and the Women's Movement: Dynamics of Change in Social Movement Ideology and Activism. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Schell, Jonathan. 1975. The Time of Illusion. New York: Vintage Books Edition.

Schliseinger, Arthur M. Jr. 1973. The Imperial Presidency. Boston: houghton Mifflin Company.

Schroeder, Pat. 1989. Champion of the Great American Family. New York:Random House.

Schudson, Michael. 1978. Discovering the News. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers.

Schwartz, Joshua Ira. 1984. "Smallpox Immunization: Controversy Episodes." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Productions, Inc. 197-210 Chapter 10.

Shilts, Randy. 1993. Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Militay. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Sirgo, Henry B. 1995. "Blacks and Presidential Politics." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 5: 75-104.

Taylor, Phillip M. 1992 War and the Media. New York: Manchester University Press.

Tierney, Susan Fallows. 1984. "The Nuclear Waste Disposal Controversy." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc. 89-110 Chapter 4.

Tryman, Mfanya Donald. 1995. "Jess Jackson's Campaigns for the Presidency." Blacks and the American Politcal System. Ed. Perry L. Huey & Wayne Parent. Florida: University Press of Florida. Chapter 4: 50-74.

Tulis, Jeffery. 1987. The Rhetorical Presidency. New Jersey:Princeton University Press.

Ungurait, Donald F., Bohn, Thomas W. & Hiebert, Ray Eldon. 1985. Media Now. New York: Longman, Inc.

Wanderstock, Helen. 1984. "Westway." Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions. Ed. Dorothy Nelkin. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc. 73-87 Chapter 3.

Warner, Michael. 1993. "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 10: 234-256.

Wayne, Stephen. 1992. The Road to the White House 1992. New York:St. Martin's Press.

Weiler, Michael & Pearce W. Barnett. 1992. "Ceremonial Discourse: The Rhetorical Ecology of the Reagan Administration. Reagan and Public Discourse in America. Ed. Weiler, Michael & Pearce, W. Barnett. Alabama: The Unversity of Alabama Press. Chapter I 11-42.

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Yudice, George. 1993. "For a Practical Aesthetics." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 9: 209-233.

Zarefsky, David. 1986. President Johnson's War on Poverty. Alabama: The Universiy of Alabama Press.

Zerilli, Linda. 1993. "The Trojan Horse of Universalism: Language As a 'War Machine' in the Writings fo Monique Wittig." The Phanton of Public Sphere. Ed. Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 7: 142-172.

Zinn, Howard. 1964. SNCC The New Abolitionists. Boston:Beacon Press.