
Average distance from the Sun 0.7233 AU (1.082 x 108 km)
Eccentricity of orbit 0.0068
Maximum distance from the Sun 0.7282 AU (1.089 x 108 km)
Minimum distance from the Sun 0.7184 AU (1.075 x 108 km)
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic 2º 23' 40''
Average orbital velocity 35.03 km/sec
Orbital period 0.61515 y (224.68 days)
Period of rotation 243.01 days (retrograde)
Inclination of equator to orbit 177º
Equatorial diameter 12,104 km 
Mass 4.870 x 1024 kg
Average density 5240 kg/m3 (4200 kg/m3 uncompressed)
Surface gravity 0.903 earth gravity
Escape velocity 10.3 km/sec
Surface temperature 745 K (472º C or 882º F)
Atmosphere composition 96% Carbon dioxide
4% Nitrogen
Atmospheric pressure 92 bars
Albedo (cloud tops) 0.76
Oblateness 0