Average distance from the Sun | 19.18 AU (28.69 x 108 km) |
Eccentricity of orbit | 0.0461 |
Maximum distance from the Sun | 20.1 AU (30.0 x 108 km) |
Minimum distance from the Sun | 18.3 AU (27.4 x 108 km) |
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic | 0º 46' 23'' |
Average orbital velocity | 6.81 km/sec |
Orbital period | 84.013 y (30,685 days) |
Period of rotation | 17 h 14 m |
Inclination of equator to orbit | 97º 55' |
Equatorial diameter | 51,118 km |
Mass | 8.69 x 1025 kg |
Average density | 1290 kg/m3 |
Gravity | 0.919 earth gravity |
Escape velocity | 22 km/sec |
Temperature above cloud tops | 50 K (-364º F) |
Atmosphere Composition | 83% Hydrogen 15% Helium 2% Methane |
Atmospheric Pressure | 1.2 bars |
Albedo | 0.35 |