Pluto Data

Average distance from the Sun 39.44 AU (59.00 x 108 km)
Eccentricity of orbit 0.2484
Maximum distance from the Sun 49.24 AU (73.66 x 108 km)
Minimum distance from the Sun 29.64 AU (44.34 x 108 km)
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic 17º 9' 3''
Average orbital velocity 4.73 km/sec
Orbital period 247.7 y (90,465 days)
Period of rotation 6d 9h 21m
Inclination of equator to orbit 122º
Equatorial diameter 2370 km
Mass 1.2 x 1022 kg
Average density 2000 kg/m3
Surface gravity 0.06 earth gravity
Escape velocity 1.2 km/sec
Surface temperature 40 K (-382º F)
Atmospheric composition Nitrogen and Methane (trace amounts)
Albedo 0.5