
Average distance from the Sun 1.5237 AU (2.279 x 108 km)
Eccentricity of orbit 0.0934
Maximum distance from the Sun 1.6660 AU (2.492 x 108 km)
Minimum distance from the Sun 1.3814 AU (2.066 x 108 km)
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic 1º 51' 09''
Average orbital velocity 24.13 km/sec
Orbital period 1.8808 y (686.95 days)
Period of rotation 24 h 37 m 22.6 s
Inclination of equator to orbit 23º 59'
Equatorial diameter 6796 km
Mass 6.424 x 1023 kg
Average density 3940 kg/m3 (3300 kg/m3 uncompressed)
Surface gravity 0.379 earth gravity
Escape velocity 5.0 km/sec
Surface temperature 130 to 300 K (-220º to 68º F)
Atmosphere composition 95% Carbon dioxide
3% Nitrogen
Atmospheric pressure 0.007 bars
Average albedo 0.16
Oblateness 0.009