
Average distance from Sun 1.00 AU (1.495979 x 108 km)
Eccentricity of orbit 0.0167
Maximum distance from the Sun 1.0167 AU (1.5210 x 108 km)
Minimum distance from the Sun 0.9833 AU (1.4710 x 108 km)
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic
Average orbital velocity 29.79 km/sec
Orbital period 1.00 y (365.25 days)
Period of rotation (w/ respect to the Sun) 24h 00m 00s
Inclination of equator to orbit 23º 27'
Equatorial diameter 12,756 km
Mass 5.976 x 1024 kg
Average density 5497 kg/m3
Surface gravity 1.0 earth gravity, 9.8 m/s2
Escape velocity 11.2 km/sec
Surface temperature 225º to 325º K (-60º to 120º F)
Atmosphere Composition 77% Nitrogen
21% Oxygen
Atmospheric pressure 1.013 bars
Average albedo 0.39
Oblateness 0.0034