Name | Type1 | Distance2 (kpc) | Group3 |
Milky Way | SBbc | 8 | Milky Way |
Canis Major | dSph? | 15-20 | Milky Way |
Sagittarius | dSph | 24 | Milky Way |
Ursa Major II | dSph | 32 | Milky Way |
Coma | dSph? | 44 | Milky Way |
Willman I | dSph | 45 | Milky Way |
Large Magellanic Cloud | Irr | 49 | Milky Way |
Small Magellanic Cloud | Irr | 58 | Milky Way |
Bootes | Irr/dSph | 60 | Milky Way |
Bootes II | Irr/dSph | 60 | Milky Way |
Ursa Minor | dSph | 66 | Milky Way |
Sculptor | dSph | 79 | Milky Way |
Draco | dSph | 82 | Milky Way |
Sextans | dSph | 86 | Milky Way |
Ursa Major I | dSph | 100 | Milky Way |
Carina | dSph | 101 | Milky Way |
Fornax | dSph | 138 | Milky Way |
Hercules | dSph? | 140 | Milky Way |
Canes Venatici II | dSph? | 150 | Milky Way |
Leo IV | dSph? | 160 | Milky Way |
Leo V | dSph | 180 | Milky Way |
Pisces II | dSph? | 180 | Milky Way |
Leo II | dSph | 205 | Milky Way |
Leo I | Irr/dSph | 250 | Milky Way |
Canes Venatici | dSph | 220 | Milky Way |
Leo T | dIrr/dSph | 420 | Milky Way |
Phoenix | Irr/dSph | 445 | Milky Way |
And II | dSph | 525 | Andromeda |
And XVI | dSph | 525 | Andromeda |
And XXIV | dSph | 600 | Andromeda |
NGC 185 | dSph | 620 | Andromeda |
And XV | dSph | 630 | Andromeda |
And XXVIII | dSph | 650 | Andromeda |
IC 1613 | Irr | 700 | Andromeda |
And X | dSph | 700 | Andromeda |
NGC 147 | dSph | 725 | Andromeda |
And XXIX | dSph | 730 | Andromeda |
And XXVII | dSph | 757 | Andromeda |
And III | dSph | 760 | Andromeda |
Cas | dSph | 760 | Andromeda |
And XXVI | dSph | 762 | Andromeda |
And XXIII | dSph | 767 | Andromeda |
Andromeda | Sb | 770 | Andromeda |
And XI | dSph | 785 | Andromeda |
And XIII | dSph | 785 | Andromeda |
And XVII | dSph | 790 | Andromeda |
And XX | dSph | 802 | Andromeda |
M 32 | E2 | 805 | Andromeda |
And IX |
dSph |
805 |
Andromeda |
And I | dSph | 805 | Andromeda |
And V | dSph | 810 | Andromeda |
Pisces | Irr/dSph | 810 | Andromeda |
And XXV | dSph | 812 | Andromeda |
NGC 205 | dSph | 815 | Andromeda |
IC 10 | Irr | 825 | Andromeda |
And VI | dSph | 830 | Andromeda |
And XII | dSph | 830 | Andromeda |
Triangulum | Sc | 840 | Andromeda |
And XXI | dSph | 860 | Andromeda |
And XIV | dSph | 890 | Andromeda |
And XIX | dSph | 933 | Andromeda |
And XXII | dSph | 1000 | Andromeda |
EGB0427+63 | Irr | 1300 | Andromeda |
And XVIII | dSph | 1355 | Andromeda |
Leo A | Irr | 690 | NGC 3109 |
Antlia | Irr | 1235 | NGC 3109 |
NGC 3109 | Irr | 1250 | NGC 3109 |
Sextans B | Irr | 1345 | NGC 3109 |
Sextans A | Irr | 1440 | NGC 3109 |
NGC 6822 | Irr | 490 | LGC |
Cetus | dSph | 775 | LGC |
DDO 210 | Irr/dSph | 800 | LGC |
Tucana | dSph | 880 | LGC |
WLM | Irr | 925 | LGC |
Pegasus | Irr/dSph | 955 | LGC |
Sag DIG | Irr | 1060 | LGC |
UKS 23323-326 | Irr | 1320 | LGC |
NGC 55 | Irr | 1480 | LGC |
GR 8 | Irr | 1590 | LGC |
IC 5152 | Irr | 1590 | LGC |
1. Galaxy types are given, Irr=Irregular; dSph=Dwarf Spheroidal - a
small elliptical like galaxy;
2. Distance is measured from the Sun to the center of the galaxy, so
the Milky Way distance is 8 kpc.
3. Group indicates which galaxy grouping they are in, often the small
galaxies are found around the large ones. Some are not associated with
a large galaxy, and are designated LGC.
This shows a graphical
representation of where the galaxies in the Local Group are found. The
Milky Way is the large yellow dot near the center, while the other two
large spirals, Andromeda and Triangulum are found about 1 Mpc away. Red
indicates Irregular galaxies, blue indicates ellipticals and dwarf
spheroidal galaxies. All the galaxies in the above table are shown
here, though some dots are overlapping.