Average distance from Earth |
1.00 AU (1.495979 x 108 km) |
Maximum distance from Earth |
1.0167 AU (1.5210 x 108 km) |
Minimum distance from Earth |
0.9833 AU (1.4710 x 108 km) |
Average angular diameter seen from Earth |
0.53 degrees (32 minutes of arc) |
Period of rotation |
25 days at equator |
Radius |
6.9599 x 105 km |
Mass |
1.989 x 1030 kg |
Average density |
1.409 g/cm3 |
Escape velocity at surface |
617.7 km/sec |
Luminosity |
3.826 x 1026 J/sec |
Surface temperature |
5800 K |
Central temperature |
15 x 106 K |
Spectral type |
G2 V |
Apparent visual magnitude |
-26.74 |
Absolute visual magnitude |
4.83 |