Circumpolar Constellations
Ursa Major - The big bear
Ursa Minor - The little bear
Cassiopeia - The queen
Cepheus - The king
Draco - The dragon
Summer/Autumn Constellations
Bootes - The bear hunter
Corona Borealis - The northern crown
Hercules - The hero
Scorpius - The scorpion
Sagittarius - The archer
Cygnus - The swan
Lyra - The harp
Aquila - The eagle
Andromeda - The princess
Pegasus - The winged horse
Triangulum - The triangle
Aries - The ram
Perseus - The hero
Auriga - The charioteer, goatherder
Taurus - The bull
Orion - The hunter
Canis Major - The big dog
Canis Minor - The little dog
Gemini - The twins
Cancer - The crab
Leo - The lion
Virgo - The maiden
Coma Berenices - Bernice's hair
Canes Venatici - The hunting dogs