J.D.                  Law, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.  1990-92.  Graduated

1992                With Distinction


Ed.D.               Counseling, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois,

1979                1973-79.


1970                Certificate in Basic Juvenile Training, Missouri Law Enforcement Assistance Council, Jefferson City, Missouri


M.S.S.W.        Social Work, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri,

1970                1968-70.


1968                Certificate in the Social Services, University of California, Berkeley-Social Welfare Extension, 1965-68.


B.A.                 Philosophy, California State University at Chico





Member of the Bar, State of Iowa, 1993-present

Licensed Social Worker, State of Iowa, 1986-1996

Licensed Independent Social Worker, State of Iowa, 1996-present

Academy of Certified Social Workers, 1972-present


PUBLICATIONS (Senior Author = *)


Edited Books


Conducting Research: A Handbook for School Social Workers.  Des Moines: Department of Education, 1988.  Senior-editor with Paula Allen-Meares.


Authored chapters:


"A Guide to Professional Publication for School Social Workers",


"The Ethnographic Interview as a Useful Tool for the School Social Worker (with Roberts*)",


"School Social Work:  A Bibliography of Books",


"Overcoming Obstacles to Publication",


"The Process of Writing Journal Articles:  A Personal Statement", and


"A Bibliography of Resources for Research."


School Social Work Interventions with Behaviorally Disordered Children: Practical Applications of Theory.  Des Moines: Department of Education, 1987. Senior-editor with C. McCullagh.


Authored chapter: "The School Social Work Practitioner as Researcher."




1998    "Early School Social Work Leaders: Women Forgotten by the Profession,"

            Social Work in Education, 20, 55-63.


1997    "Satisfaction with the Social Work Profession: A Ten-Year Analysis of

            Undergraduate Students' Perceptions," Psychological Reports, 80, 835-838. (with Hanson*).


1997    "Jane Day - First Visiting Teacher: 'You Did a Noble Work, and Did it Well’,” Iowa School Social Work Journal, 9, 22-31.


1996    "School Superintendent Julia Richman: Early Champion of School Social Workers," School Social Work Journal, 21(1), 3-16.


1996    "Rediscovering my Social Work Roots: A Professor's Odyssey to the Practice of Juvenile Law," Reflections, 2(1), 23-29.


1995    "The Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Guide to Creating a Better Future for America's Children," Journal of Law and Social Work, 5(1), 70-82.


1995    "Sara Moulthrop Holbrook: A Life for Children," School Social Work Journal, 19(2), 25-38.


1995    "Child Poverty: A 'Fair Deal' for Children," Social Development Issues, 17(1).          87-98. (with Keefe*)


1995    "Undergraduates Choose Social Work: Challenging an Uncertain Future," Journal of Social Work Education, 31(1), 28-37. (with Hanson*)


1994    "Jane Fullerton Culbert (1880-1962): Visiting Teacher Leader," School Social Work Journal, 19(1), 34-49.


1994    "National Association of Visiting Teachers: The Early Years, 1916-1930," Iowa Journal of School Social Work, 7(1), 31-65.


1993    "Exclusion from the Educational Process in the Public Schools: What Process is Now Due," Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, 1993, 3-57. (with Bartlett*).


1993    "The Roots of School Social Work in New York City," Iowa Journal of School Social Work, 6(1/2), 49-74.


1989    "Book Review Authorship in School Social Work Journals," Social Work in Education, 11, 245-250.


1988    "Trends in Publication:  A Study of Contributors to the School Social Work Journal", School Social Work Journal, 13, 4-12.


1988    "Challenging the Proposed Deregulation of P.L. 94-142:  A Case Study of Citizen Advocacy,"  Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 15(3), 65-81.


1987    "Social Workers as Advocates:  A Case Example,"  Social Work in Education, 9(4), 253-263.


1987    "School Social Work: A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations," School Social Work Journal, 11(2), 67-76.


1988    "The Bulletin of the National Association of School Social Workers:  A Bibliography,” Iowa Journal of School Social Work, 1(2), 26-37, 1986; 2(1), 22-34, 1987; 2(2), 1988, 31-40.


1985    "Students' Views of the Future," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 12(2), 339-361.  Research Brief:  "Students' Views on the Future of Social Work," Social Work Research & Abstracts, Winter 18(4), 1982, 34. (both with Maypole*).


1985    "Satisfaction with the Profession and Career Status Among BSW Social Workers," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 12(1), 154-160.


1985    "School Social Work Issues:  An Analysis of Professional Association Action," Social Work in Education, 1(3), 192-203.


1984    "Professional Retention of BSW Social Workers:  Planned and Actual Career Choices," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 11(3), 611-622. (with Raffoul*)


1984    "Challenging the Reagan Administration's Assault on Children and Youths," Social Work in Education, 6(4), 274-278.


1983    "Peer Group Assertiveness Inventory," Assert, 48, 3.


1982    "Assertion Training for Boys in Junior High School," Social Work in Education, 5(1), 41-51.


1982    "Expanding Services to Junior High School Students," School Social Work Journal, 7(1), 3-15.


1982    "Making Social Work an Integral part of the School," Practice Digest, 5(1), 24-27 (Resource Person).


1982    "The Modified Rathus Assertiveness Schedule-Short Form:  Factor-Analytic Data," the Behavior Therapist, 5, 135-136.


1982    "Survival Strategies for School Social Workers," Social Work in Education, 4, 5-15.


1981    "A Technical Report on Grade and Sex Differences of the Modified Rathus Assertiveness Schedule - Short Form," the Behavior Therapist, 4(5), 26-27. (with Vaal)


1981    "The Art of Saying No:  Group Assertive Training with Seventh Grade Students," School Social Work Journal, 6, 7-18.


1981    "State Associations:  Strength in Unity," Social Work in Education, 4, 62-68.


1981    "Legislative Advocacy for Special Needs Children:  A Case Example," Arete, 6, 23-33.


1978    "Group Test Interpretation:  Presentation," IGPA Quarterly, 69, 3-13. (with Holden*)


1977    "The Rathus Assertiveness Schedule:  Reliability at the Junior High School Level," Adolescence, 12, 411-419.  (with Vaal*)  A modified version appeared in Behavior Therapy, 1975, 6, 566-567.


1975    "A Token Economy in a Junior High School Special Education Classroom," School Applications of Learning Theory, 7, 1-8 (with Vaal).


Book Reviews


1986    Review of Children in Crises:  A Team Approach in the Schools by Sharon R. Morgan.  San Diego:  College-Hill Press, 1985.  Social Work in Education, 8, 134-135.


1988    Review of Aggression Replacement Training for Aggressive Youth. Social Work in Education, 11(1), 71-72.