J.D. Law,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
1990-92. Graduated
1992 With
Ed.D. Counseling,
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois,
1979 1973-79.
1970 Certificate
in Basic Juvenile Training, Missouri Law Enforcement Assistance Council,
Jefferson City, Missouri
M.S.S.W. Social
Work, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri,
1970 1968-70.
1968 Certificate
in the Social Services, University of California, Berkeley-Social Welfare
Extension, 1965-68.
B.A. Philosophy,
California State University at Chico
Member of the Bar,
State of Iowa, 1993-present
Licensed Social
Worker, State of Iowa, 1986-1996
Licensed Independent
Social Worker, State of Iowa, 1996-present
Academy of Certified
Social Workers, 1972-present
Author = *)
Edited Books
Conducting Research: A Handbook for School
Social Workers. Des Moines: Department of Education,
1988. Senior-editor with Paula
Authored chapters:
"A Guide to Professional Publication for School Social
"The Ethnographic Interview as a Useful Tool for the School Social
Worker (with Roberts*)",
"School Social Work: A
Bibliography of Books",
"Overcoming Obstacles to Publication",
"The Process of Writing Journal Articles: A Personal Statement", and
"A Bibliography of Resources for Research."
School Social Work Interventions with
Behaviorally Disordered Children: Practical Applications of Theory. Des
Moines: Department of Education, 1987. Senior-editor with C. McCullagh.
Authored chapter: "The School Social Work Practitioner as
1998 "Early
School Social Work Leaders: Women Forgotten by the Profession,"
Social Work in Education, 20,
1997 "Satisfaction
with the Social Work Profession: A Ten-Year Analysis of
Undergraduate Students'
Perceptions," Psychological Reports, 80, 835-838. (with
1997 "Jane
Day - First Visiting Teacher: 'You Did a Noble Work, and Did it Well’,” Iowa
School Social Work Journal, 9, 22-31.
1996 "School
Superintendent Julia Richman: Early Champion of School Social Workers," School
Social Work Journal, 21(1), 3-16.
1996 "Rediscovering
my Social Work Roots: A Professor's Odyssey to the Practice of Juvenile
Law," Reflections, 2(1), 23-29.
1995 "The
Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Guide to Creating a Better Future for
America's Children," Journal of Law and Social Work, 5(1),
1995 "Sara
Moulthrop Holbrook: A Life for Children," School Social Work Journal,
19(2), 25-38.
1995 "Child
Poverty: A 'Fair Deal' for Children," Social Development Issues,
17(1). 87-98. (with Keefe*)
1995 "Undergraduates
Choose Social Work: Challenging an Uncertain Future," Journal of Social
Work Education, 31(1), 28-37. (with Hanson*)
1994 "Jane
Fullerton Culbert (1880-1962): Visiting Teacher Leader," School Social
Work Journal, 19(1), 34-49.
1994 "National
Association of Visiting Teachers: The Early Years, 1916-1930," Iowa
Journal of School Social Work, 7(1), 31-65.
1993 "Exclusion
from the Educational Process in the Public Schools: What Process is Now
Due," Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, 1993,
3-57. (with Bartlett*).
1993 "The
Roots of School Social Work in New York City," Iowa Journal of School
Social Work, 6(1/2), 49-74.
1989 "Book
Review Authorship in School Social Work Journals," Social Work in
Education, 11, 245-250.
1988 "Trends
in Publication: A Study of Contributors
to the School Social Work Journal", School Social Work Journal,
13, 4-12.
1988 "Challenging
the Proposed Deregulation of P.L. 94-142:
A Case Study of Citizen Advocacy,"
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 15(3), 65-81.
1987 "Social
Workers as Advocates: A Case
Example," Social Work in
Education, 9(4), 253-263.
1987 "School
Social Work: A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations," School Social
Work Journal, 11(2), 67-76.
1988 "The
Bulletin of the National Association of School Social Workers: A Bibliography,” Iowa Journal of School
Social Work, 1(2), 26-37, 1986; 2(1), 22-34, 1987; 2(2),
1988, 31-40.
1985 "Students'
Views of the Future," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 12(2),
339-361. Research Brief: "Students' Views on the Future of
Social Work," Social Work Research & Abstracts, Winter 18(4),
1982, 34. (both with Maypole*).
1985 "Satisfaction
with the Profession and Career Status Among BSW Social Workers," Journal
of Sociology and Social Welfare, 12(1), 154-160.
1985 "School
Social Work Issues: An Analysis of
Professional Association Action," Social Work in Education, 1(3),
1984 "Professional
Retention of BSW Social Workers:
Planned and Actual Career Choices," Journal of Sociology and
Social Welfare, 11(3), 611-622. (with Raffoul*)
1984 "Challenging
the Reagan Administration's Assault on Children and Youths," Social
Work in Education, 6(4), 274-278.
1983 "Peer
Group Assertiveness Inventory," Assert, 48, 3.
1982 "Assertion
Training for Boys in Junior High School," Social Work in Education,
5(1), 41-51.
1982 "Expanding
Services to Junior High School Students," School Social Work Journal,
7(1), 3-15.
1982 "Making
Social Work an Integral part of the School," Practice Digest, 5(1),
24-27 (Resource Person).
1982 "The
Modified Rathus Assertiveness Schedule-Short Form: Factor-Analytic Data," the Behavior Therapist, 5,
1982 "Survival
Strategies for School Social Workers," Social Work in Education, 4,
1981 "A
Technical Report on Grade and Sex Differences of the Modified Rathus
Assertiveness Schedule - Short Form," the Behavior Therapist, 4(5),
26-27. (with Vaal)
1981 "The
Art of Saying No: Group Assertive
Training with Seventh Grade Students," School Social Work Journal, 6,
1981 "State
Associations: Strength in Unity," Social
Work in Education, 4, 62-68.
1981 "Legislative
Advocacy for Special Needs Children: A
Case Example," Arete, 6, 23-33.
1978 "Group
Test Interpretation:
Presentation," IGPA Quarterly, 69, 3-13. (with
1977 "The
Rathus Assertiveness Schedule:
Reliability at the Junior High School Level," Adolescence, 12,
411-419. (with Vaal*) A modified version appeared in Behavior
Therapy, 1975, 6, 566-567.
1975 "A
Token Economy in a Junior High School Special Education Classroom," School
Applications of Learning Theory, 7, 1-8 (with Vaal).
Book Reviews
1986 Review
of Children in Crises: A Team
Approach in the Schools by Sharon R. Morgan. San Diego: College-Hill
Press, 1985. Social Work in
Education, 8, 134-135.
1988 Review
of Aggression Replacement Training for Aggressive Youth. Social Work
in Education, 11(1), 71-72.