

**      Bibliography of Bibliographies


**      Bibliography of books






Social Work Associations


Iowa State and Local Government


State and Local Government


Federal Government


Foundations or Educational Associations







From:   McCullagh, J. G., & Allen-Meares, P. (1988). Conducting Research: A Handbook for School Social Workers. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Education.







James G. McCullagh


The literature on school social work begins in the early twentieth century with the emergence of the first visiting teachers in New York City, Boston, and Hartford, Connecticut in 1906-1907. There is a rich­ness to the literature as it has developed and been disseminated through books and pamphlets, journal articles, dissertations and theses, confer­ence proceedings, and governmental reports. Considerable work has already been done in compiling school social work literature as noted in the bibliography of bibliographies that follows.


Practitioners can build on the work of others by awareness of the literature on school social work and knowledge of how to access relevant sources (see chapters in this handbook by Schrader and Lyle) that per­tain to their research and writing. The bibliography of bibliographies lists various documents that taken together include much of the school social work literature. Bibliographies that are not readily available can be obtained through interlibrary loan. Recent journal articles can be accessed by using such abstracts as Social Work Research & Abstracts.


This chapter also includes a listing of books, categorized by type of publisher, pertaining to school social work in the United States, though a few sources are included that relate to Great Britain. Though not comprehensive this listing provides immediate access to many pub­lished sources. This bibliography excludes chapters on school social work found in standard textbooks on social work, social services, social welfare, and pupil personnel services.  Such sources are numerous and easily obtained. Similarly excluded are articles in yearbooks and encyclopedias in social work, education, and the social sciences. Some government documents are included, but for a more complete listing see Fisher (1979, 1981), Sutherland (1960), and Bilger, DeTore, Maida, Sylvestre, and Waddell (1964).  Considerable effort was made, however, to include local and state documents and especially Iowa monographs published in recent years. Finally, only sources that the author could review are included in this bibliography.


Some documents in this bibliography are available through the Edu­cational Resources Information Center, or ERIC system. Each document has a unique ED number (e.g., ED 123 456). One only needs to know the ED number to obtain a microfiche copy at any library that subscribes to ERIC.


Citations to book reviews have been included for many of the books on school social work. Reviews ideally provide accurate description and analysis. Such information may be useful in determining whether a book is relevant and should be obtained.  Brief or unsigned reviews were excluded.


For those interested in locating book reviews for related areas of interest, a number of social work journals regularly publish reviews, including Social Work, Social Service Review, Clinical Social Work Jour­nal, Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work, Social Work in Education, and School Social Work Journal.  Two disciplinary journals that only include book reviews are Contemporary Sociology and Contemporary Psychology. A number of indexes also can be consulted: Book Review Index, Book Review Index to Social Science Periodicals, Chicorel Index to Mental Health Book Reviews (previously the Mental Health Book Review Index), The National Library Service Cumulative Book Review Index, Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals, 1886-1974, Education Index, and the Book Review Digest.


Bibliography of Bibliographies


Bibliography. (1964). In H. W. Lundberg (Ed.), School social work: A service of schools (pp. 62-65). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.


Bilger, B.W., DeTore, J. R., Maida, R. M., Sylvestre, A., & Waddell, H. J. (1964). Development of school social work in the United States. Unpublished master's thesis, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. (See Chapter IV, Classified bibliography of school social work literature for the period 1900-1963).


Capacchione, M. A. (1956). The role of the social worker in the school setting: An annotated bibliography of professional periodical literature from 1944 through 1954. Social Work Papers, 4, (Suppl.), 1-12.


Fisher, R. A. (1979). School social work in the literature: A bibliography. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers.


Fisher, R. A. (1981). A 1981 supplement and update school social work In the literature: A bibliography. Silver Spring, MD: National Association of Social Workers.


Gleim, S. C. (1921). Visiting teacher and home and school bibliography. In The visiting teacher (pp. 18-23). Washington. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.


McCullagh, J. G. (1987). School social work: A bibliography of doctoral dissertations. School Social Work Journal, 11, 67-76.


McCullagh, J. G. (1986). The Bulletin of the National Association of School Social Work­ers: A bibliography (part I). Iowa Journal of School Social Work, 1(2), 26-37; part II is in 2(1). 22-34, 1987; and part III is in 2(2), 1988, 31-40.


National Association of School Social Workers. (1950). References on school social work. Understanding the Child, 19(1), 31.


National Association of Social Workers. (no date). Selected readings for school social workers 1954 (with minor revisions, 1956). New York:  Author. (16 pages). (An earlier version was prepared by the National Association of School Social Workers consisting of 12 pages probably dated 1947).


Nyangoni, B. W. (Comp.). (1982). Journal, International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers: Index to volumes XV-XXV 1970-1981. Barnesville, MD: International Associa­tion of Pupil Personnel Workers.


Prawl, M. L. (1956). School attendance services as reported in education and social work periodicals: With an annotated bibliography of articles from 1946 through 1955. Social Work Papers, 4 (Suppl.), 13-30.


Sutherland, S. (1960). School social work: Annotated bibliography. Bethesda, MD: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, National Institute of Mental Health.


Bibliography of Books




Alderson, J.  J. (Ed.). (1969). Social work in schools: Patterns and perspectives. Northbrook, IL: Whitehall.


Allen-Meares, P., Washington, R. O., & Welsh, B. L. (1986). Social work services in schools. Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice-Hall. BR:  Freeman, E. N. (1987). Social Work in Education, 9, 135-137. Simon, N. A. (1988). School Social Work Journal, 12, 111-112. Watson, T. F. (1987). Social Work, 32, 88.


Berkovitz, I. H. (Ed.). (1975). When schools care: Creative use of groups in secondary schools. New York: Brunner/Mazel. BR: Pulvino, C. J. (1976). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 55, 156. Rowlas, A. D. (1977). Journal of School Psychology. 15, 369-370. Warnath, M.A. (1976). Contemporary Psychology, 21, 352-353. Webster, C.T. (1976). Child Welfare, 55, 367-369.


Birley, D., & Dufton, A. (1971). An equal chance: Equalities and inequalities of educational opportunity. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. BR: Bourne, R. (1971, April 3). Manchester Guardian Weekly, p. 18. Duane, N. (1971). British Journal of Educational Studies, 19, 334-336. Powers, R. C. (1972). The Family Coordinator, 21, 365. Smith, P.C. (1972). Educational Studies, 3, 111-112. Walker, N. C.  (1972). Community Development Journal, 7, 71-72.


Boatwrlght, R. F. (1975). Origin and development of the Negro visiting teacher in Alabama. New York: Vantage Press.


Constable, R.T., & Flynn, J. P. (Eds.). (1982). School social work: Practice and research perspectives. Homewood, IL: Dorsey. BR: Fisher, R. (1982). School Social Work Journal, 7(1), 47-48. Mintzies, P. (1983). Social Work in Education, 5, 132-133. Welsh, B. L.(1983). Journal of Education for Social Work, 19(1), 117-118.


Craft, M., Raynor, J., & Cohen, L. (1980). Linking home and school: A new review (3rd ed.). London: Harper & Row. BR: Howdle, L. (1980, December 26). Times Educational Supplement, p. 17.


Ferinden, W. E., Jr., & Van Handel, D. C. (Eds.). (1974). The handbook of school social work. Linden, NJ: Remediation Associates.


Hancock, B. L. (1982). School social work. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall. BR: Benjamin, J. (1982, November 26). Times Educational Supplement, p. 27. Costin, L. B. (1983). Journal of Education for Social Work, 19(1), 115-117. Freeman, E. N. (1982). Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work, 63, 377-378. Kaufman, D. E. (1982). Sociology: Review of New Books, 9, 165. McKinney, E. L. (1982). Social Work in Education, 4(4), 59-60. Oppenheimer, N. L. (1982). School Social Work Journal, 7(1), 49 & 51.


Johnson, J. (1977). Use of groups in schools: A practical manual for everyone who works in elementary and secondary schools. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. BR: Duffy, T. K. (1984). Social Work with Groups, 7(4), 106-108.


Levine, M., & Levine, A. (1970). A social history of helping services: Clinic, court, school, and community. New York:  Appleton-Century-Crofts. BR: Gredler, G. R. (1973). Psychology in the Schools, 10, 271-273. Hayden, B. S. (1972). Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 8, 359-360. Lazerson, M. (1971). Harvard Educa­tional Review, 41, 102-106. Rice, E.P. (1971). American Journal of Public Health, 61, 1736-1737.


Pedley, F. H. (Ed.). (1967). Education and social work. Oxford: Pergamon. BR: Maguire, U. (1967). Sociological Review, 15, 374-375.


Ribbons, P. (Ed.). (1985). Schooling and welfare. London: Falmer Press.


Robinson, M. (1978). Schools and social work. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. BR: Johnson, D. (1979). Educational Research, 21, 231-232. Meares, P. (1979). School Social Work Quarterly, 1, 163-164.


Rose, G., & Marshall, T. F. (1974). Counseling and school social work: An experimental study. London: Wiley. BR: Gorton, A. (1976). British Journal of Educational Psychology, 46, 106.


Sarvis, M. A., & Pennekamp, M. (1970). Collaboration in school guidance: A creative approach to pupil personnel work. New York: Brunner/Mazel. BR: Boudreaux, J. L. (1971). Educational Leadership, 28, 557-558. McGehearty, L. (1971). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 49, 411-412, 414.


Winters, W. G., & Easton, F. (1983). The practice of social work in schools: An ecologi­cal perspective. New York: The Free Press. BR: Allen-Meares, P. (1984). Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work, 65, 379-381 & 383. Goldberg, T. (1985).  Social Work with Groups, 8(3), 95-97. Radin, N. (1984). Social Work in Education, 6, 212-213.


Zachry, C. B. (1929). Personality adjustments of school children. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. BR: Bossard, J. H. S. (1930). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 149 (Part III), 210-211. Cope, R. (1930). Elementary School Journal, 30, 394-395. Crawford, H. I. (1931). The Family, 12, 160-161. Groves, E. R. (1929). Social Forces, 8, 296-298. Hall, E. (1929). Kadelpian Review, 9, 53-54. Hill, M. (1929). Childhood Education, 6, 184-185. Jones, E. E. (1930). Journal of Educational Research, 22, 320-322. Miller, M. M. (1929). Child Study, 6, 221-222.





Alderson, J. J. (1980). Differentiated social service staffing and the schools: Final report (Pilot Project-Child Mental Health, Grant No. 5T31 MH 14889). Tallahassee: Florida State University, School of Social Work.


Anderson, R. J., & Costin, L. B. (Eds.). (1972). Proceedings--Institute on Group and Community Practice in School Social Work. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work.


Bellos, N. S., Gross, G. M., & Steiner, J. R. (Eds.). (1974 & 1977). Innovative projects in school social work practice (Vols. 1-2). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University School of Social Work, Division of Continuing Education and Manpower Development. (Manpower Monograph numbers 7 and 10.) BR: Costin, L. B. (1978). School Social Work Journal , 2, 56.


Cohen, S. (1964). Progressives and urban school reform: The Public Education Association of New York City 1895-1954. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University. BR: Greene, M. (1965). History of Education Quarterly, 5, 134-135. Sizer, T. R. (1965). American Historical Review, 70, 1256. Welter, R. E. (1965). New York History, 46, 389-390.


Constable, R., & Tiefenthal, M. (Eds.). (1983). The school social worker and the handicapped child: Making P.L. 94-142 work. DeKalb: Illinois Regional Resource Center at Northern Illinois University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 189 810)


Fordham University School of Social Service. (1959). Understanding school social work: Proceedings first annual institute on school social work. New York: Author.


Gary, L. E., West, J. H., & Kumi, L. M. (1976). Social intervention in the public school system: Final report. Washington, DC: Howard University, Mental Health Research and Development Center, Institute for Urban Affairs and Research. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 126 205)


Golden, I. (Ed.). (1968). Social work with groups in the public schools: A casebook. New York: Columbia University School of Social Work.


Indiana University, Midwest Center/Consortium for Planned Change in Pupil Personnel Programs for Urban Schools. (1974). A final program report from Jane Addams School of Social Work, University of Illinois, Urbana: The school-community-pupil training program 1971-1974. Bloomington: Author. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 116 099)


Kurplus, D. J., & Thomas, I. (Eds.). (1975). Social services and the public schools. Bloomington, IL: Indiana University, The Midwest Center/Consortium for Planned Change in Pupil Personnel Programs for Urban Schools. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 126 421) BR: Simon, N. (1977). School Social Work Journal, 1(2), 34-38.


Maple, F. F. (1967). The visiting teacher service in Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Midwest Regional Center for Pupil Personnel Services. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 012 954)


Stilwell, A., & Stilwell, H. (1972). The child who walks alone: Case studies of rejection in the schools. Austin: University of Texas Press. BR: Carey, M.T. (1974). Young Children, 29, 328-329. Spencer, W. A. (1973). Educational Studies, 4, 76.


University of Michigan, Midwest Research Center for Pupil Personnel Service. (No date). Functions of visiting teachers in Michigan: Summary of preliminary findings. Ann Arbor. MI: Author. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 018 841) (See Maple, 1967, for report)


Walker, W. (1933). The visiting teacher (Child Welfare Pamphlet No. 19; New Series No. 696, July 15). Iowa City, IA: State University of Iowa.


Social Work Associations



American Association of Visiting Teachers. (1941). Social casework in public schools. Philadelphia: Author. (A collection of four papers read before the National Conference of Social Work, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June, 1941.)


Anderson, R. J., Freeman, M., & Edwards, R. L. (Eds.). (1977). School social work and PL 94-142: The Education for All Handicapped Children Act: Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the University of Georgia School of Social Work and the National Association of Social Workers, July 13-16, 1977, Athens, Georgia. Washington, DC: NASW. BR: Morrison, V. W. (1978). School Social Work Journal, 2, 110-112.


Beck, R. H. (Ed.). (1965). Society and the schools: Communication challenges to education and social work. New York: NASW. BR: Kelley, J. (1966). Social Service Review, 40, 238.  Lurie, A.  (1968). Social Work, 13(4), 113. Meisels, J. F. (1966). Child Welfare, 45, 292-293. D'Kelly, S. (1967). British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, 9(1), 43-44.


Bowers, E. A. (Ed.). (1986). Spare the rod?! A resource guide: Alternatives to corporal punishment. Silver Spring, MD: NASW.


Costin, L. B. (1978). Social work services in schools: Historical perspectives and current directions. Washington, DC: NASW. BR: Fisher, R. A. (1978). School Social Work Journal, 3, 50-51.


Everett, E., & a Committee of the American Association of Visiting Teachers. (1940). Visiting teacher service today: A study of its philosophy and practice in the United States. Philadelphia: American Association of Visiting Teachers.


Evertts, J. (Ed.). (1978). Federal legislation and the school social worker. Washington, DC: NASW. BR: Monkman. M. M. (1978). School Social Work Journal, 3, 52-53.


Gallant, C. B. (1982). Mediation in special education disputes. Silver Spring, MD: NASW. BR: Latini, N. J. (1983). Social Work In Education, 6, 64. Morrison, V. (1985). School Social Work Journal, 9, 156-157. Vidal, C. M. (1983). Social Work in Educa­tion, 6, 63-64.


Hawkins, M. T. (Ed.). (1986). Achieving educational excellence for children at risk: Selected papers from the NASW third national school social work conference "educa­tional excellence in transitional times" January 31-February 3, 1985, New Orleans. Louisiana. Silver Spring, MD: NASW.


Hawkins, M. T., Caldwell, M. C., & Yamatani, H. (1982). A demographic survey of home and school visitor/school social work personnel in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania Association of School Social Work Personnel. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 225 034)


Johnson, A. (1962). School social work: Its contribution to professional education. New York: NASW. BR: Hoffman, M. E. (1963). Social Service Review, 37, 116-118. Niemeyer. H. G. (1964). Social Work, 9(2), 118. Rowen, R. B. (1963). Social Casework, 44. 153.


Lee, G. (Ed.). (1959). Helping the troubled school child: Selected readings in school social work, 1935-1955. New York: NASW. BR:  Capell, J. (1960). Canadian Welfare, 36, 288. Cutts, N. E. (1960). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 38, 588-589. Dillon, M. L. (1960). Social Work, 5(2), 121. Meyerand, G. E. (1960). Social Casework, 41, 374-375.


Merl, L. F. (Ed.). (1965). Work with groups in the school setting. New York: NASW. 


Midwest Annual Regional Conference. (1968). Reports from the Rockton conference. Rockton, IL: Author. (Now Midwest School Social Work Council.)


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1975). Proceedings of eighth annual Midwest school social work conference: The many faces of school social work.. .which face is yours? Minneapolis: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1972). Proceedings of fifth annual Midwest school social work conference: Time for accountability, building programs, co-action. Louisville: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1971). Proceedings of fourth annual Midwest school social work conference: Partners In change. Milwaukee: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1969). Proceedings of second annual Midwest school social work conference. Indianapolis: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1974). Proceedings of seventh annual Midwest school social work conference: Coping with change. Mackinac Island, MI: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1973). Proceedings of sixth annual Midwest school social work conference: School social work--action not reaction. St. Louis: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Conference. (1970). Proceedings of third annual Midwest school social work conference: Education and social work in the seventies. Minneapolis: Author.


Midwest School Social Work Council. (1976). Midwest school social work conference pro­ceedings: Humanizing the educational process. Rosemont, IL: Author.


Mintzies, P., & Hare, I. (1985). The human factor: A key to excellence in education. Silver Spring, MD: NASW.


National Association of Social Workers. (1978). Description of practice statement for school social work. New York: Author.


National Association of Social Workers. (1962). Description of social work program in schools. New York: Author.


National Association of Social Workers. (1982). Professional issues for social workers In schools: Papers from the 2nd NASW national conference on school social work, May 7-9, 1981, Washington, D.C. Silver Spring, MD: Author. BR: Zischka, P. C. (1983). Social Work, 28, 170.


National Association of Social Workers. (1980). School social work and the law: Papers from the national invitational workshop on school social work and the law, May 29-31, 1980, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Washington, DC: Author. BR: Gold, J. (1981). School Social Work Journal, 5, 90-91. Humphreys, N. A. (1981). Social Work, 26, 521. Weatherley, R. (1981). Social Work in Education, 4(1), 69-70.


National Association of Social Workers. (1960). Social work in the schools: Selected papers. New York: Author.


National Association of Social Workers. (1978). Standards for social work services in schools. Washington, DC: Author. (NASW Policy Statement 7)


National Association of Social Workers. (1976). Summary of the preliminary report on the survey of social workers in the schools. Washington, DC: Author.


Nebo, J. C. (Ed.). (1960). Administration of school social work. New York: NASW. 

Quattlebaum, V. (1958). School social work practice. New York: NASW.


Sarri, R. C., & Maple, F. F. (Eds.). (1972). The school in the community. Washington, DC: NASW. BR: Brieland, D. (1973). Social Work, 18(6), 113. Holman, A. (1973). Social Work Today, 4, 187-188. Wachstein, S. (1973). Child Welfare, 52, 683-685.


Sikkema, N. (1953). Report of a study of school social work practice in twelve communi­ties. New York: American Association of Social Workers.


Iowa State and Local Government


Arrowhead Area Education Agency and Fort Dodge Community Schools. (1983). Social skills curriculum. Fort Dodge: Arrowhead Area Education Agency.


Cashman, M., Piechowski, P., & Wilson, L. (1987). Developmental needs of special educa­tion students in Iowa. Bettendorf: Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency.


Flieder, A. (1983). Program evaluation report for the K-12 school social work program of Grant Wood Area Education Agency. Cedar Rapids: Grant Wood Area Education Agency.


Gallagher, R., Moore, S., & Wells, P. (1983). Keystone adaptive behavior profile manual. Elkader:   Keystone Area Education Agency 1.


Iowa Department of Public Instruction. (1981). Assessment, documentation and programming or adaptive behavior: An Iowa task force report. Des Moines: Author.


Iowa Department of Public Instruction. (1967). The school as a setting for social work services (also titled The supportive role of school social work services in helping the seriously disturbed child). Des Moines: Author. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 021 264)


Jacobsen, B., & McCabe, L. (1985). Project repertoire: A resource guide to school social workers working with behaviorally disabled students. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Public Instruction.


Macek, A., Moore, A., Sands, J., & Waggoner, M. L. (1984). Guide book for social skills curricula. Fort Dodge: Arrowhead Area Education Agency.


McCullagh, J. G., & McCullagh, C. A. (Eds.). (1987). School social work interventions with behaviorally disordered children: Practical applications of theory. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 287 240)


Messmer, S. (1982). Techniques of systematic observation at home and school. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Public Instruction.


Murray, A., & King, N. (1984). Getting on with it!: Curriculum for counseling children of divorced and separated parents. Ft. Dodge: Arrowhead Area Education Agency.


Pool, L. D. (1968). School social work. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Public Instruc­tion.


Practice Manual Task Force. (1986). Social work in Iowa schools: A guide to practice. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Public Instruction.


Waltzer, F. (1982). The school social worker as a behavioral consultant: Implications and techniques. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Public Instruction.


State and Local Government



Allen-Meares, P., & Yeck, D. (1983). Pupil personnel services recommended practices and procedures: School social work. Springfield: Illinois State Board of Education.


Allmart, N., Ally, B.. Anderson, K., Fliesser, E., Ford, D., & Hubbard, H. (1972). Characteristics of underachieving children in the U-46 school district. Elgin, IL: School District U-46.


Austin, N. J., Lickson, J., & Smith, P. L. (Eds.). (1972). Continuing education in social welfare: School social work and the effective use of manpower. Tallahassee: State University System of Florida and Division of Community Colleges. (Collaborative Planning in Higher Education for the Professions. Monograph Series Number 1) (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 061 891)


Chavis, T. (Ed.). (1976). Development of social work knowledge and intervention skills related to helping handicapped children and improving family/school relationships (Proceedings of the State of Michigan Department of Education Institute for School Social Workers). Lansing: Michigan Department of Education.


Connecticut State Department of Education. (1985). School social work guidelines. Hartford: Author.


Davis, I. L. (Comp.). (1984). Child sexual assault and abuse: Guidelines for schools (Bulletin No. 4360). Madison: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.


Davis, I. L. (1986). Dealing with child sexual assault and abuse: A resource and planning guide (Bulletin No. 6509). Madison: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (Revision and expansion of document by Davis in 1984)


Davis, I. L., Eckerman, C., & Jarvey, C. (1977). Child abuse and neglect: A school-com­munity resource book (Bulletin No. 9096). Madison: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (Revised May, 1980, by Holly Hewitt. Bulletin No. 0492)


DeChrlstopher, J. (Ed.). (1973). The school social worker and the education of the emotionally handicapped child (Proceedings of the Special Study Institute, November, 1973. in Glen Falls, New York). Albany: New York State Education Department/ University of the State of New York.


Elmott, C. 0., Criner, J., & Wagner, R. (1961). The troublesome ten percent: A report of a demonstration of school social work. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara City Schools.


Felix, J. L. (1970). In-service training program for visiting teachers: "Group work techniques". Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati Public Schools. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 045 562)


Florida Department of Education. (1954). The visiting teacher in Florida: A tentative report and manual (Bulletin No. 61). Tallahassee: Author.


Gallant, C. B. (Ed.). (1973). Innovative school social work programs (School Social Work-Monograph No. 2). Hartford: Connecticut State Department of Education.


Gallant, C. B. (1972). Planning a school social work program today: Partners are needed (School Social Work-Monograph No. 1). Hartford: Connecticut State Department of Education.


Gloss, G. G. (1967). Entry certification requirements for visiting teachers and school social workers in fifty states as of April , 1965. Columbus: Ohio Department of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 024 091)


Illinois State Board of Education. (1987). Profile of downstate pupil personnel services staff: Significant findings and changes from 1977-78 through 1986-87. Springfield, IL: Author. (Also published in 1983 for the years through 1982-83 and in 1984 for the years through 1983-84)


Jones, W. L., Jr. (1962). The constructive use of authority by Louisiana visiting teachers 1959-1960 (Bulletin No. 946). Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Department of Education of Louisiana.


Katsaris, G. (Comp.). (No date). School social work. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Education.


Knapman, S. (1975). Translation of recent change theories Into professional techniques for school social workers. Lansing: Michigan Department of Education.


Kurtz, D. (1987). School social work in Georgia: A guide to practice. Athens: Georgia Department of Education.


Louisiana Department of Education. (1982). Handbook for supervisors of child welfare and school social workers (Publication 1452). Baton Rouge: Author. (ERIC Document Repro­duction Service No. ED 215 252)


Manos, S. P., & Oatsvall, G. D. (1976). Social work services program. Grossmont, CA: Grossmont Union High School District. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 137 711)


Michigan Board of Education. (1967). The Michigan school social work service (Bulletin No. 342, 1967 revision of A state program for visiting teachers: A statement of policies and an interpretation of Act 38 of the Public Acts of 1944, extra session). Lansing: Author.


Morrison, V. (Ed.). (1984). Manual for school social work internship programs. Springfield: Illinois State Board of Education.


Morrison, V. (1982). School social work in Illinois. Springfield, Illinois State Board of Education.


Nesbit, E., & Still, F. B. (1955). The visiting Georgia. Atlanta: Georgia State Department of Education.


North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. (1968). Visiting counselors to school children who are socially and emotionally maladjusted. Bismarck: Author.


Robert, L. D. (1950). Visiting teachers in action (Bulletin No. 696). Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Department of Education.


Robert, L. D., & Jones, W. L., Jr. (1960). Visiting teachers at work: An anthology of articles which appeared originally in the newsletter of the visiting teachers association of Louisiana, 1948-1960. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Department of Education.


Rowen, R. B., & Mestanas, G. (1965). Functions of school social workers in New Jersey: A study of performance and opinion (final report). Trenton: New Jersey Department of Education.


Scholl, G. T., Taylor, N. N., & Beicher, E. L. (Eds.). (1967). Team strategies in mobilizing school and community services for emotionally disturbed children. Lansing: Michigan State Department of Education.


Staples, R. N. (Comp.). (1967). School social work in Wisconsin: A description of school social work - guidelines for a school social work program (Bulletin No. 149). Madison: Wisconsin State Department of Public Instruction. (ERIC Document Reproduc­tion Service No. ED 016 272)


Texas Education Agency. (1975). The visiting teacher in Texas public schools. Austin: Author. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 132 140)


Texas Education Agency. (1978). Working with the handicapped: The counselor and the visiting teacher. Austin: Author. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 163 315)


Virginia Board of Education. (1956). Visiting teacher in Virginia's program of education (Bulletin 38, No. 13). Richmond: Author. (An earlier version was published in Bulletin 33, No. 4, 1950 and also in 1947)


Wasem, L. (1983). Profile of downstate pupil personnel services staff: Significant findings and changes from 1977-78 through 1982-83. Springfield: Illinois State Board of Education.


Wilmette Public Schools, Department of Pupil Services. (1984). Instructional objectives for use in developing individual educational plans: School social work program. Wilmette, IL: Author. BR: Shafer, A. D. (1985). School Social Work Journal, 10, 49-51.


Federal Government



Cook, K. N. (1945). The place of visiting teacher services in the school program (Federal Security Agency, U.S. Office of Education, Bulletin No. 6). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.


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Foundations or Educational Associations


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