The Bulletin of the National Association of

School Social Workers: A Bibliography

Part III


James G. McCullagh*


Present record forms Michigan visiting teacher program. 23 (2), 1948, 14-15.


Pritchett, Leanora E. Multiple facets of the school social worker’s role: Interpretation to teachers through group conferences and discussions, 29 (2), 1953, 10-16.


Proposed revision of statement of function of the home and school visitor. 21 (1), 1945, 5-12. [This report was referenced by Smalley and followed her article “Social work and the school.”]


Publications. 8 (4), 1933, 4.


Quane, Margaret. Pioneering in school social work-paving a way for a successful program: Professional support from school administrators, 29 (1), 1953, 9-13.


Quattlebaum, Virginia. Focus the child: The teacher and the visiting teacher work together, 27 (4), 1952, 21-30. Reprinted in Lee, 362-372.


Raising standards for certification. 10 (4), 1935, 13-15.


Ramsdell, Leroy A. The neighborhood approach in community organization, 15 (1), 1939, 1-12.


Range, Frances L. The visiting teacher in the elementary school, 3 (2), 1927, 4-6.


Rannells, Emilie. Foreword to article by Dortort, 30 (1), 1954, 38.


__________. Teachers and the school counseling service: A talk given to the faculty of an elementary school, 25 (4), 1950, 12-17. Reprinted in Lee, 310-315.


__________. The importance of the school years, 9 (4), 1934, 2-9.


A recommendation for the adoption of visiting teacher work in Holland. 7 (2), 1931, 4.


Redl, Fritz. The chances for success in guidance work: A few considerations on the importance of the initial situation, 13 (2), 1938, 1-8.


Reed, Carroll R. Foreword, 8 (5), 1933, 1.


Reed, Dorothy. Today’s child and tomorrow’s problem, 9 (3), 1934, 1-3.


References on school social work, 25 (3), 1950, 31. Reprint form Understanding the Child, 19 (1), 1950, 31.


Regarding the Bulletin. 9 (2), 1934, 8.


Reprints available. 10 (4), 1935, 15; 10 (5), 1935, 16.


Reports on visiting teacher participation in educational conferences.  11 (1), 1936, 17-19.


Request for exhibit material. 9 (2), 1934, 8.


Reynolds, Bertha C. Discussion of “The role...” by French, 11 (3), 1936, 14-17.


Reynolds, Ethel. Proposed changes in membership requirements for American Association of Visiting Teachers, 12 (4), 1937, 1-2.


Robert, Louis D. Three aspects of the work of the visiting teacher in Louisiana, 22 (4), 1947, 3-5.


Robinson, Bruce R. Foreword, 8 (4), 1933, 1. [See Newark Department of Child Guidance Staff.]


__________. The school as a social force from the point of view of a psychiatrist, 2 (6), 1926, 26.


Robinson, Virginia P. The school as a social force from the point of view of the social worker, 2 (6), 1926, 23-25.


_________. Treatment possibilities in short interview contacts, 8 (3), 1932, 1-4.


Rochester, New York Visiting Teacher Staff. The third issue, 1 (3), 1925, was also issued as the annual bulletin (No. 2, April 1925) by the Department of Visiting Teachers. The contents follow: Foreward, 3; assignment of visiting teachers staff, 4; the opening of a new school, 5; the mother in industry, 6-7; personality traits, 8-11; the Children’s Memorial Scholarship Fund Inc., 12-13; notes from visiting teacher and scholarship records re Joseph Scarentino, 14; contacts with social agencies, 15; our relation to other agencies, 16-20; the normal students’ course with the visiting teacher, 21-23; statistical semester report, 24-27; the Piper by Josephine Preston Peabody.


_________. “The material for this issue [8 (6a), June 1933] is the work of the Visiting Teacher staff in Rochester, New York.” The contents follow: Excerpts form an address to the teachers of Rochester, New York by Herbert S. Weet, 1; foreword, 2; the beginnings, 2-3; recording, 4; trends in Rochester visiting teacher work since 1913, 4-5; the visiting teacher and prevention of delinquency, 5; new books, 5; the visiting teacher and an educational program, 6; annual meeting, 6; case material illustrating treatment processes 1913 and 1933, 7-8; Children’s Memorial Scholarship Fund, 8.


Rogers, Margaret. Discussion of Miss Robinson’s paper [Treatment possibilities...], 8 (3), 1932, 5-6.

_________. Recording in a school child guidance clinic, 8 (1), 1932, 1, 3-4.


Romano, John. Children in war time, 18 (2), 1943, 1-6.


Rosenbaum, Milton. Psychological factors in delinquent boys, 19 (1), 1944, 10-18.


Roser, Mark. Case work thinking in the public schools, 18 (2), 1943, 11-13.


_________. Plans for city-wide child care program in Gary, 18 (2), 1943, 10-11.


Rosner, Joseph. Discussion of articles by Goller and Auerbach, 30 (2), 1954, 17-19. Reprinted in Lee, 284-287.


__________. The individual and his group, 13 (4), 1938, 11-15.


Ross, Helen. Planning for school children in a period of crisis, 28 (1), 1952, 3-8.


Routzahn, Mary Swain. Public support for visiting teacher work, 9 (1), 1934, 1-3.


Ryan, Della. The visiting teacher in the junior high school, 3 (2), 1927, 14-16.


Ryan, W. Carson, Jr. Editorial 11 (1), 1936, 1.


_________. How the visiting teacher point of view can be of help to classroom teachers, 2 (6), 1926, 21.


_________. The visiting teacher’s opportunity, 12 (2), 1937, 1-2.


Saddoris, Bess. Recognition of problems among first grade pupils: Teacher and counselor work together, 23 (3), 1948, 25-27.


Scholarships. 11 (2), 1936, 20.


Sherzer, Josephine. The visiting teacher in high school, 3 (2), 1927, 17-19.


_________. Visiting teacher examination in New York city, 11 (2), 1936, 20.


Sikkema, Mildred. An analysis of the structure and practice of school social work today, 25 (3), 1950, 447-453. [First article in issue but same pagination as original article.] Reprint from Social Service Review, 23 (4), 1949, 447-453. Reprinted in Lee, 98-106.


__________. Removing the causes of non-attendance at school, 29 (4), 1954, 3-11. Reprint from Baltimore Bulletin of Education, 30 (1), 1952, 27-33. Reprinted in Lee, 220-230.


Simmons, J. Andrew. The place of temporary shelters in treatments, 25 (4), 1950, 18-24.


Simon, Paul. Social group work in schools, 31 (1), 1955, 3-12. Reprinted in Social work in schools: Patterns and perspectives, 45-60.


Smalley, Ruth E. Discussion of article by Hankins, 25 (1), 1949, 13-16.


__________. Discussion of “The role....” by French, 11 (3), 1936, 17-20.


__________. Review of Wayward youth by August Aichom, 10 (5), 1935, 12-13.


__________. School counseling as social work, 30 (4), 1955, 21-34.


__________. School social work as a part of the school program, 22 (3), 1947, 51-54. Reprint from Education for Victory, 2 (20), April 20, 1944, 7-8. Reprinted in Lee, 61-64.



__________. Social case work techniques in attendance service, 16 (3), 1941, 6-15. Reprinted in             22 (4), 1947, 11-18.


__________. Social change and case work, 18 (3), 1943, 1-15.


__________. Social work and the school, 21 (1), 1945, 1-4.


__________. Some elements of supervision in school social work, 26 (4), 1951, 3-13. Reprinted in Lee, 420-429.


__________. Some implications for the practice of psychiatric case work in the visiting teacher field, 13 (1), 1937, 1-13.


__________. Suggestions for group treatment, 10 (4), 1935, 10-13.


__________. The philosophy and objectives of adjustment services as expressed in practice, 28 (2), 1952, 9-19.  Reprinted in Lee, 21-31.


__________. The significance of believing-for school counselors, 28 (1), 1952, 9-18. Reprinted in Lee, 12-20.


__________. The social worker’s contribution to children-in-school, 23 (2), 1948, 16-25.


Smith, Helen Raymond. Discussion of article by Payne, 2 (6), 1926, 20.


Smith, Rhoda. A graduate student’s experience, 3 (4), 1927, 20.


Social welfare exhibit at N.E.A. 8 (5), 1933, 4.


Social work’s first year book. 6 (3), 1930, 3.


Sommer, Agnes T. See Anderson, Pearle E.


Special courses for teachers on problems of school children. 5 (1), 1929, 4; 6 (1), 1930, 4.


Spence, Irene. Impressions of a visiting teacher in an elementary school, 3 (2), 1927, 7-9.


Spence, Louise C. School social work-what is it?, 29 (3), 1954, 21-22. [Prologue. See Noar, Florence.]


Spencer, Gladys. Eighth Pan American Congress, 18 (1), 1943, 13-14.


_________. In review: Children’s charter in war time, 18 (1), 1943, 12-13.


Spinning, James M. A social work philosophy functioning in a modern school program, 15 (2), 1940, 1-15.


_________. Problems for superintendents of schools: Keeping human, 12 (3), 1937, 1-6. Reprinted in 22 (3), 1947, 14-18.


Spreng, Miriam. Mother! She trusts me! 25 (3), 1950, 29-30. Reprint form Understanding the Child, 19 (1), 1950, 29-30.


Stevenson, George S. Second wind for the visiting teacher, 14 (2), 1939, 5-7.


Strong, Carolyn. How one student found her field of work, 3 (4), 1927, 19.


Swartz, Louis Adrian. An interpretation of the emotional needs of the adolescent, 16 (2), 1941, 2-15.


Taber, Robert C. Children caught in cross-currents: The rights and responsibilities of children and parents, 29 (4), 1954, 12-21. Reprinted in Lee, 202-210.


__________. Education must rise to the occasion, 23 (4), 1948, 9-22.


__________. Public schools are in and of the community, 25 (3), 1950, 7-9. Reprint from Understanding the Child, 19 (1), 1950, 7-9.


Taft, Jessie. A philosophy of helping in social work, 22 (3), 1947, 40-50.


Taylor, Mary N. Contributions of professional social work training to the development of essential school social work skills, 25 (4), 1950, 3-11.


[“The problem public school systems find in identifying the Visiting Teacher of Home and School Visitor as a social worker....”]. 21 (1), 1945, 7-12.


Thompson, Jean A. Children’s fears in relation to school attendance, 24 (1), 1948, 3-14. Reprinted in Lee, 181-191.


Thomson, John A. A plan for the prevention of reading difficulties, 26 (1), 1950, 20-26.


Thurman, Arch. School social work as it relates to community services, 31 (1), 1955, 13-28.


Timme, Arthur R. & Esther M. Heath. Teacher-visiting teacher relationships, 8 (2), 1932, 3-4.


Towle, Charlotte. Discussion of “Changing concepts....” by Hall, 12 (1), 1936, 11-16. Reprinted in Readings in social case work 1920-1938, 521-526.


Townsend, M. Ernest. Emotions and the educative process, 12 (4), 1937, 3-10.


Trowbridge, Bertha. The visiting teacher in a progressive school, 3 (2), 1927, 25-27.


Types of requests from various sources for information regarding school social work in year 1946. 22 (3), 1947, 56. (From For your information.)


Understanding the Child. Volume 19 (1), 1950 of Understanding the Child was reprinted in 25 (3), 1950. See articles by Boston, Jones, Taber, Harland, Leonard, Braunstein, Galloway, Anderson and Sommer, Molyneaux, Spreng, and References on school social work.


Vaughn, Frances. School phobias, 28 (3), 1953, 23-31. Reprint form Pittsburgh Schools, 27 (2), 1952, 102-111.  Reprinted in Lee, 172-180.


Vermont. “The story of the spread of the visiting point of view in Vermont” (p. 15) is found in part II of 3 (4), 1927. See references to Holbrook, “Foreword” and “Five years....”; and Cowles, Houston, Kerin, Loper, Smith, and Strong.


Visiting teacher luncheon at superintendents’ meeting of N.E.A., 4 (2), 1928, 4.


Walker, Wilma. Community responsibility in prevention and treatment of delinquency, 10 (1), 1935, 5-10.


__________. Foreword, 3 (3), 1927, 1.


__________. The visiting teacher without psychiatric services, 9 (3), 1934, 5-7.


Wann, Harry Arthur. Social planning for the prevention of delinquency, 10 (5), 1935, 8-11.


Watson, Goodwin. The teacher’s attitude toward racial differences, 6 (2), 1930, 3-4.


Way, Nora. Factors outside of the classroom which affect the child’s success in school, 8 (3), 1932, 7-8.


Webster, W.F. Foreword, 2 (2), 1926, 4.

Weet, Herbert S. Excerpts from an address to the teachers of Rochester, New York, 8 (6a), June 1933, 1.


Wessel, Rosa. Field work in the training of school counselors, 27 (3), 1952, 18-27.


Westby, Helen Hewes. Mental health in the classroom, 24 (2), 1948, 19-23.


Weston, Helen E. Contribution of the visiting teacher in adjustment of personality and behavior problems of children, 17 (1), 1941, 2-13.


_________. Pioneering in school social work-paving a way for a successful program: Early beginnings of school social work, 29 (1), 1953, 3-9.


_________. School social work 1953, 30 (2), 1954, 20-30. Reprinted in Lee, 120-129.


_________. The use of mental hygiene clinics in the school, 23 (1), 1947, 9-15.


Wheeler, Carolyn R. An evaluation of visiting teacher work through the study of movement, 30 (1), 1954, 18-27.


White-Williams Foundation Staff. Social work within the school, 11 (2), 1936, 2-10.


_________. The second issue, 1 (2), compiled by the Foundation staff was also issued as volume 4 (6-7), February and March, 1925 as a Monthly Bulletin of the White-Williams Foundation. The contents follow: Foreword, 3-4; counseling staff, 4; some significant facts gleaned from a survey of 934 cases, 5-8; relationship of school counselor to other school departments, 8-10; glimpses of a counselor’s week, 11-15; the immigrant, 15; records, 16; a story, 17-21; book reviews, 21; high school counseling by members of the teaching staff, 22; scholarship work, 23-24; counseling in the parish schools, 25-26; book reviews, 26; department of training, 27-29.


Who’s who in this issue. 10 (5), 1935, 11.


Wildy, Lois. Becoming acquainted with the child in every day contacts, 17 (2), 1942, 2-17.


Wille, Jane. Cooperative practice between family service workers and school social workers in local communities, 30 (1), 1954, 11-17.


__________. School social work in relation to the use of community agencies, 24 (3), 1949, 3-10. Reprinted in Lee, 390-397.


__________. The relation of the school to protective services for children, 24 (4), 1949, 19-26. Reprinted in Lee, 397- 404.


__________. The school social worker helps the child through collaboration with other school personnel, 31 (1), 1955, 29-33.

Williams, Irene H. Strengthening family life: How much can the teacher do?, 27 (4), 1952, 14-20. Reprint from Hawaii Educational Review, April 1952, 208-211, with the following title: How much can the teacher do in strengthening family life?


Wilson, Alfred M. (Mrs.). Interpretation of school social work to the community, 26 (1), 1950, 3-10.


Wilson, Gertrude. Cooperative services as seen by a group worker, 13 (4), 1938, 1-6.


Winberg, Joyce. The school social worker’s contribution to the child’s social development, 22 (2), 1946, 2-14. Reprinted in Lee, 76-87.


Wright, Christina. Reading disability as a factor in personality maladjustment, 21 (3), 1946, 7-12.


Young, Edith & Dorothy Zwink. Experiments in preventive work with 1B children, 23 (4), 1948, 3-8.


Young, Marechal-Neil. Children with social and emotional problems: How can special services help children with problems in school adjustment?, 27 (2), 1951, 22-33.


_________. Teacher-counselor relationships in secondary schools, 24 (3), 1949, 11-17.


Zachry, Caroline. Mental hygiene in the classroom: Do we have mental hygiene in America?, 8 (3), 1932, 6-7.


Zwink, Dorothy. See Young, Edith.




Alderson, J. J. (Ed.). (1969). Social work in schools: Patterns and perspectives. Northbrook, IL: Whitehall.


Capacchione, M. A. (1956). The role of the social worker in the school setting: An annotated bibliography of professional periodical literature from 1944 through 1954, Social Work Papers, 4 (Suppl.), 1-12.


Everett, E. M. (1924). To the members of the N.A.V.T., The N.A.V.T. Bulletin, 1 (1), 1.


Lee, G. (Ed.). (1959). Helping the troubled school child; Selected readings in school social work,             1935-1955. New York: National Association of Social Workers.


Lowry, F. (Ed.). Readings in social casework 1920-1938. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939.


Prawl, M. L. (1956). School attendance services as reported in education and social work periodicals: With an annotated bibliography of articles form 1946 through 1955, Social Work Papers, 4 (Suppl.), 13-30.




James G. McCullagh, Ed. D. ACSW, LSW, is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa.



*Iowa Journal of School Social Work, 2(2), 31-40, 1988