History of Philosophy: Ancient Syllabus

Course 650:100gProfessor Margaret Holland
Office Hours:Office: Baker 146
                   TTh 12:45-1:30Office Phone: 273-5975
                   and by appt.Dept. of Philosophy & Religion.
Email: margaret.holland@uni.eduBaker 135
Download SyllabusDept. Phone: 273-6221

Spring 2006 Syllabus

Course Description
           The discipline we know as 'Philosophy' finds its source in thinkers who lived in Greece after the 7th century B.C.  Our first goal in this course will be to begin to understand the types of questions about the world, nature, and reality that were asked in the 7th, 6th and 5th centuries B.C. by thinkers now known as 'pre-Socratics.'  We will then examine the role of Socrates in turning attention from physical nature and the cosmos toward human life and conduct.  Plato continued Socrates's project and developed a metaphysical system to support the claims made by Socrates about what constitutes a good human life.  By reading Plato's Republic students will have the opportunity to study Plato's metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and politics.  This work is the first presentation of a complete philosophical system in Western history.

Following the Republic, we will read sections of Aristotle's work selected so as to show students his response to earlier thinkers, as well as his own approach to philosophy that is both unique and a continuation of what preceded him.

Ancient Greek philosophy is of such a profound and subtle nature that the best minds of the past two thousand years have studied, interpreted, criticized and praised it. Ancient Greek thinkers set the standard and laid the foundation for all Western philosophers.  The purpose of this course is not only to help students become familiar with this period of philosophical history, but also to show students that at least part of the reason that these thinkers have found such a responsive echo down through the centuries is because the questions they formulated are both fundamental and wide-ranging.  That is why they continue to speak to us.

Required Text:
Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle, ed. Cohen, Curd, Reeve (Hackett)

Reading assignments:  
Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle:

 Introduction (pp. viii-ix & 1-6)
The Pre-Socratics                                                                                
            The Milesians                                      
Republic  Books: I, II, III, IV, V, VI (line 503 to end),
            VII (beginning to line 522), X

Nicomachean Ethics:  I:1-5, 7-9, 13; X:6-9
Politics:  I:1-3; II:1-5
Categories:  all
Physics:  I:1, 5-9; II: 1-7
Metaphysics:  I: 1-3; IV: 1-3; XII: 6-7

Course Requirements:

(1)   Students are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings, as well as read all assignments.  If you miss a class meeting, it is your responsibility to contact another student and to get the assignment and class notes.  You need to make-up missed work before the next class.

(2)   Each student will pursue a research project on a topic in ancient philosophy.  After selecting a topic, the student will prepare three written assignments.  The assignments are described below. Points will be deducted for late assignments.

(3)  There will be two tests during the term, and a final exam.  There will be no make-up tests unless appropriate documentation of a legitimate reason for missing the test is provided.  Legitimate reasons for missing a test are limited to things such as: jury duty, accident, illness.  All non-emergency requests for make-up tests must be given to the instructor in writing at least two weeks prior to the test date.  Emergency requests for make-up tests must be made (either on the phone or through e-mail) no later than the morning of the test.  If these requirements are met, the instructor may consider providing a make-up test. 

**    Please familiarize yourself with UNI's Academic Ethics Policies.  These policies are in the student handbook, and they can be found on-line. Search "academic ethics" on UNI's home page and you will be directed to a number of sites that explain your responsibilities on this matter.   UNI's policy states that cheating and plagiarism are "unacceptable" and that an instructor may take further disciplinary action against any student who violates academic ethics.  In accordance with this policy, students who cheat or plagiarize will receive a grade of "F" for the entire course. 

Test Schedule and Grades:

September 29- 16% of the grade
Nov. 3- 20% of the grade
Final Exam- 30% of the grade
Research Report- 10% of the grade
Annotated bibliography- 10% of the grade
Paper- 14% of the grade

Tests will cover the readings and class lectures.  Tests will consist of essay questions.  All tests will be comprehensive.

On Thursday September 15th class will be held in Rod Library.

Research Project Requirements:

 (1) research report:

            The research report should be typed, double-spaced, and include your name and the course title. 

            Your research report should include a 200 word description of your topic.  The description should include the names of philosophers you will use, and a description of the issues on which you will focus.  Also, include information about questions you have concerning your research and whether you will be working with other students.

            The second part of your research report should include the following information:  a list of encyclopedias and indexes you have used in your research, a list of the terms you have used in your research, and a report (including volume and page numbers) about what you found in each source.  [For example: Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edwards, ed.; searched Plato, justice, soul, state; found the following entries which look useful and had good bibliographies...  I have put in ILL requests for….  I have copied…  I have signed out of the library…] 

Each student must use the following reference works and must include them in the research report.  Additional reference works may be used and may be included in the report.

            The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Paul Edwards, ed. Ref. B51.E58

             Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward Craig, ed. Ref. B51. R68 1998

             Philosopher’s Index [electronic resource]

(2)   annotated bibliography:

            The bibliography must be typed.

            It should include no less than four articles or books which were the main sources for your research (other than assigned reading and not including reference works).  Web sources should not be among your four main sources.  Also, do not include encyclopedias among your four sources.  The four main sources must be philosophical.

            For each source write two paragraphs containing the following information: describe the  source in general (i.e. provide an overview of the source), the specific use you made of it, what it contributed to your research, and which pages you read.

            For the bibliography format use The University of Chicago Manual of Style or the MLA    Style Sheet (see the Reference section of the library).

(3)    paper:

            The paper must be typed, double-spaced.

            The paper should be written in complete sentences, not in outline form.

            Summarize your research.  Include (1) a general introduction to your topic, (2) a list of the main points you will discuss, (3) a discussion of each point, (4) your   conclusion, and further questions.  Each paper should begin with a paragraph stating: “The topic of my research is …,” then continue “…specifically I will discuss…,” “The main points I will cover are…”

            The paper should be about six pages long.

            Include a cover sheet with the following information: instructor's name, student's name,
            research title.  Also, include an updated, corrected version of your annotated bibliography.

            Staple together the cover sheet, paper, and annotated bibliography. 

            Points will be deducted if any part of the written work is late.  One point per day will be deducted for each part of the written assignment which is handed-in late.  Also, research reports must be handed-in in order to receive credit for bibliographies and papers, and bibliographies must be handed-in in order to receive credit for papers.

Research Topic:

 The following are among the research topics which would be appropriate for this course.
            *          Pythagoras, especially music and math
            *          the Stoics, Epicureans or Sceptics
            *          women thinkers of ancient Greece
            *          a Platonic dialogue that we will not cover, e.g. the Symposium
            *          Plotinus and Neoplatonism
            *          aspects of Aristotle's work we will not cover

Extra Credit Option:

            Students may receive extra credit for using the UNI Writing Center to improve the quality          of their research projects.  A total of six additional points will be available through this     option.  Specific information about the extra credit option will be provided in September.

Secondary Sources:
            There are many excellent secondary sources for ancient Greek philosophy.  This list represents some of the sources with which I am familiar.  I encourage you to select some of these to assist you during the semester.  Also, if you go to my web site you will find some helpful links. (http://fp.uni.edu/holland/)

Roy Adkins      Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece
Jonathan Barnes   Aristotle
Jonathan Barnes  Early Greek Philosophy
Albert Bell and James B. Allis   Resources in Ancient Philosophy: An Annotated
                                                Bibliography of Scholarship in English, 1965-1989
John Burnet  Early Greek Philosophy
Frederick Copleston  A History of Philosophy
F.M. Cornford  Before and After Socrates
Edward Craig   Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Richard T. De George  A Guide to Philosophical Bibliography and Research
Richard T. De George   The Philosopher’s Guide to Sources, Research Tools,
                                     Professional Life, and Related Fields
Walter Donlan   The Classical World Bibliography of Philosophy, Religion, and Rhetoric
Paul Edwards   Encyclopedia of Philosophy
John Finley  Four Stages of Greek Thought
Hans-Georg Gadamer  The Idea of the Good In Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy
Marjorie Grene  A Portrait of Aristotle
W.K.C. Guthrie   A History of Greek Philosophy
Martin Heidegger  Early Greek Thinking
Karl Jaspers  Plato and Augustine
G.S. Kirk & J.E. Raven  The Pre-Socratic Philosophers
Richard H. Lineback   The Philosopher’s Index
G.E.R. Lloyd  Early Greek Science
J.V. Luce   An Introduction to Greek Philosophy  
R.G. Mulgan  Aristotle's Political Theory                                              
Iris Murdoch  The Fire and the Sun

            Luis E. Naviq   The Presocratic Philosophers: An Annotated Bibliography
            Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks
            Martha Nussbaum  The Fragility of Goodness
            Joseph Owens  A History of Ancient Western Philosophy
            F.E. Peters   Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon
            John Randall  Aristotle
            William David Ross  Aristotle
            Nancy Sherman  The Fabric of Character
            Jane McIntosh Snyder The Woman and the Lyre: Women Writers in Classical Greece
                                                and Rome
            A.E. Taylor  Aristotle & The Mind of Plato
            Terrence N. Tice and Thomas P. Slavens   Research Guide to Philosophy
            Mary Ellen Waithe  Ancient Women Philosophers, 600BC-500AD
            Nicholas P. White   A Companion to Plato’s Republic
            Donald J. Zeyl   Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) provides protection from illegal discrimination for qualified individuals with disabilities.  Students requesting instructional accommodations due to disabilities must arrange for such accommodation through the Office of Disability Services.  The ODS is located at: 213 Student Services Center, and the phone number is: 273-2676.