Prepared data sheet for comparative analysis of WPA support across similarly–sized and regionally–focused institutions. Click here to go Back to WPA page.

Notes from Census of Writing

“the term WPA is meant as a general term for anyone who administers any part of a writing program.”

86% of institutions surveyed (n= 671) answered that they have an official writing program or department.

58% of responding institutions reported that FYC was not part of another writing program or a writing department.

FYC and WPA labor
First-Year Writing Director (FYWD)
 is an explicit position that administers or directs the first-year writing requirement. This does not include a department chair, CAO, or director of writing.” This is different from Director of Writing who oversees “a particular site of writing” often with greater authority and autonomy than a FYWD.

51% of institutions reported that the First-Year Writing Director had primary responsibility for administering the first-year writing requirement.

17% reported the Chair of the English Department, had primary oversight for First-year writing program, but this was only 5% when filtered for size and mission.

217/ 272 (79%) of institutions reported that the FYWD reported to the Chair of the English Department.

Major duties (n=267 for FYWD):

59% of institutions responded that others helped administer the FY writing program.
* filtered by Carnegie and size = 49%

269/434 (61.9%) of institutions reported that coordination and/or direction duties were compensated by release time.