Re: Tough Guise

1. In the first 20 minutes of Tough Guise 2 (2016) (a video we have been watching in class that is available for streaming from Rod Library), Jackson Katz talks about the invisibility of the white male perpetrator. The news media tends to describe a rape, a school shooting, or some kind of assault, as if no white man was actually involved:  "A woman was raped," or..."A school shooting took place today...." Find a headline or a video news clip that points to this phenomenon, and include the link in your response.

2. What other examples can you come up with, in your own life, or in the media, that point to the construction of "tough guy" masculinity?  Who is writing the script? Who is behind this construction?

3. Can you think of a representation of masculinity that breaks the norm--that offers an alternative representation to "tough guy" masculinity?  Who is writing the script? Who is behind this construction?