These question relate to CH. 14

1. What are the drawbacks of the informational model of journalism?

2. Why have reporters become so dependent on experts?

3. What are your main criticisms of the state of news today? (Make a critical evaluation, NOT a knee jerk reaction based on lack of knowledge). In your opinion, what are the news media doing well?

These questions relate to Ch. 11

4. What role did advertising play in transforming American into a consumer society?

5. What is your earliest recollection of watching a television commercial Do you have a favorite ad? A most despised ad? Waht is it about these ads that you particularly like/dislike??

6. Describe 5-6 stereotypes that you find persistent in U.S. advertising. What are the patterns that come out of these descriptions? Interpret these patterns and critically conclude: are these stereotypes good, bad?