This site was created by history and social studies education students at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa, under the direction of Thomas Connors (thomas.connors@uni.edu), Assistant Professor of History, Karla Krueger, Curriculum & Technology Project Specialist, and TyAnn Morehead, Educational Technology Specialist, Information Technology Services-Training.
This site was created with the help of Rusty Roberts, Superintendent of the City of Cedar Falls Cemeteries, Brian Collins and the staff of Cedar Falls Historical Society, Gerald Peterson and the staff of Special Collections, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa, the Reference Desk at the Cedar Falls Public Library, and Billie Bailey and the staff of the Grout Museum, Waterloo. We gratefully acknowledge their support and assistance.
Text: ©Copyright by University of Northern Iowa and the authors, 1998.
Contemporary photographs: ©Copyright by University of Northern Iowa and Thomas Connors, 1998.
Historic photographs: ©Copyright by Cedar Falls Historical Society, 1998.
Last revised on 07 December 1998.