Home Sweet Home

Finally got to move back into the “new” old lab. Had to take the front window off the MBraun box for it to fit through the doorway. Which became a cleaning opportunity. It is amazing how much crud accumulates over time. Got a good scrub down. What was that mystery pink powder that was coating the walls of the box anyways? Oh well. Remains a mystery. And I have decided that mini-stir bars are the ticks of the lab. Once you find one stuck to the bottom of the ring stand, there are five more stuck to bottom of the stand. Just like my dog after a walk through the woods in Wisconsin. 

Big thanks to Nina for making the lab usable again. The new space quickly became a complete disaster as things piled up on the countertops as we had to get out of the biochemistry lab in a hurry.

Thanks again to all those who made the renovation a reality.