Weather Policy
It is the policy of UNI to continue normal hours of
operation and maintain a regular work schedule during
periods of severe weather and/or adverse working conditions.
It is a basic premise that the University faculty, staff,
and students shall have the opportunity to make their own
decision about reporting to work or class with due
consideration for travel safety conditions. The following
rules, therefore, apply to my classes:
If the weather is bad, listen to your local radio and
televsion stations to learn if UNI is open. If the
university is closed, stay at home and use the time to
If the university has not been closed, then I will conduct
I do not expect students to risk life and limb to come to
attend my class.
If prudence dictates you stay off the streets and not come
to the university, that is sufficient reason not to
You will be permitted to make up any assignments missed
without penalty. Just inform me of your situation as soon as
possible by phone or e-mail.