June, 24: Dr. Petrov elected an International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) Concilor
April, 13: Three ARCSES presentations at AAG: Dr. Peterov, Anna Pestereva & Jonathon Launspach
April, 8: Dr. Pertov is a keynote speaker at Geopolitics, Resources and Security: Asia and the Arctic in the 21st Century workshop in Ottawa, ON
Second International Arctic Forum “The Arctic: Territory of Dialogue” September 21-24, Arkhangelsk, Russia
ReSDA/Inuvialuit Regional Development Workshop, Yellowknife, NWT, September 17-19

Melting Ice? Greenland in the Age o

ARCSES studetn Jon Lausnpach writes about changes in Greenland Ice sheet and its possible implications LINK
ARCSES Mission
Featured Research
Arctic Social and Environmental Systems
Research Lab (ARCSES) was established in 2011 to
dwell on this success and to build
further capacities to receive external funding, raise university’s
profile and
attract students to UNI. The lab’s mission is to develop synergies and
collaboration among faculty, staff and students in Geography and across
who are engaged in research and educational activities pertaining to
the Arctic
as well as other remote and cold regions. The lab is partially funded
by NSF
and NASA grants and will assist in cross-pollinating ideas and will use
capacity to promote Arctic-based research on and outside campus and
other faculty, staff and students in Arctic-based work.
Andrey N. Petrov (PhD, Toronto) - Assistant Professor and ARCSES DirectorAnna Pestereva (ABD, St. Petersburg State) - Research Associate
Philip Cavin (BA, UNI) - graduate assistant
Jonathon Launspach (BS/BA, UNI) - graduate assistant
Susan Meerdink - undergraduate researcher
Brian VanDrasek (BA, UNI) - graduate assistant
More Information
Financial Support
National Science Foundation
NASA Iowa Space Grant
Coll. Soc. & Behav. Sciences
National Science Foundation
NASA Iowa Space Grant
Coll. Soc. & Behav. Sciences

Phil has been a research assistant on NSF creative Arctic project since 2010. He has been in chanrge of data collection and analysis for northern Canada and Alaska. Currently he is working on his paper for the ICASS 7 meeting in Iceland that would summarize changes in creative capital in Arctic Canada between 1991 and 2006.
Meerdink studies spatial fidelity of wild reindeer in Taimyr 

Susan stared her work on reindeer in winder of 2011 and quickly fell in love with the topic. She is investigating the evidence of spatial fidelity of Taimyr wild reindeer, i.e. analyses spatial consistency of reindeer migration and habitation. This pioneering research will help to understand migration behavior of wild reindeer and caribou and to assess possible impacts of climate change on Arctic migratory animals.