Tiny to Small Flowers That Are Arranged In Umbels An umbel resembles the spokes of an umbrella. The inflorescence has pedicels which radiate out from a central point. The umbels in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) are usually compound with umbels radiating from umbels. The common name, genus and species, and family are given for each flower. Apiaceae was at one time Umbelliferae and is still listed that way in some references. |
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What is an umbel? |
Caraway Carum carvi Apiaceae |
Porter's Lovage or Osha Ligusticum porteri Apiaceae |
Mountain Parsley Pseudocymopteris montanus or Cymopteris lemmonii Apiaceae |
Cow Parsnip Heracleum sphondylium Apiaceae |
Alpine Sulfur Flower Erigonum flavum Polygonaceae |
Wild or James Buckwheat Eriogonum jamesii Polygonaceae |
Subalpine Valerian Valeriana capitata acutiloba Valerianaceae |