Flowers With Three Petals or Multiples of Three Sepals are just below the petals, and in this group often look like petals. Together the petals and sepals are called tepals. The Alliaceae (Onion Family), Calochortaceae (Mariposa Family), Convallariaceae (Mayflower Family), Agavaceae (Agave Family), and Melanthiaceae (False Hellebore Family) were once part of the Lily Family. Some references still have them in Liliaceae. |
The common name, genus and species, and family are given for each flower. |
Click the flower to see. |
What's a sepal? |
Nodding Onion Allium cernuum Alliaceae |
Geyer Onion Allium geyeri Alliaceae |
Calypso or Fairy Slipper Orchid Calypso bulbosa Orchidaceae |
Spotted Coralroot Corallorhiza maculata Orchidaceae |
False Hellebore or Corn Lily (at a distance) Veratrum tenuipetalum Melanthiaceae |
False Hellebore or Corn Lily (close up) Veratrum tenuipetalum Melanthiaceae |
Elegant Camas or Wand Lily Anticlea elegans Melanthiaceae |
Star-Flowered Solomen's Seal Maianthemum stellatum Convallariaceae |
Mariposa Lily Calochortus gunnisonii Calochortaceae |
Yucca or Soapweed Yucca glauca Agavaceae |
Wild Iris Iris missouriensis Iridaceae |
Blue-Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium montanum Iridaceae |